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Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux

Ethical hacking with Kali Linux involves using penetration testing tools to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in systems and networks. This guide provides an overview of some key tools and techniques for performing ethical hacking using Kali Linux, covering areas like web attack tools, location hacking, phishing, and more.

1. Web Attack Tools in Kali Linux

  • Findomain, a powerful tool designed for domain discovery and subdomain enumeration.

2. Camera Hacking Tools in Kali Linux

  • Cctv-Hack - Learn how to set up and run a CCTV hacking script using Kali Linux and Termux.

3. Location Hacking Tools in Kali Linux

IpHack - Track IP locations using Kali Linux tools.

Seeker - Trace the location of devices accurately with Kali Linux.

4. Remote Trojan RAT in Kali Linux

A Remote Access Trojan (RAT) allows attackers to control systems remotely, but it's illegal to use for malicious purposes.

5. SQL Injection Tools in Kali Linux

Exploit web application vulnerabilities by injecting malicious SQL code using Kali Linux.

6. Social Media Hacking in Kali Linux

Facebook Hacking

  • - A powerful tool designed for hacking multiple Facebook accounts using the Facebook API.

Twitter Hacking

SocialBox - Brute force attack framework for social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, and more using Kali Linux.

WhatsApp Hacking

WhatsApp-specific hacking tools using SocialBox or other frameworks in Kali Linux.

Combo Social Media Hacking

  • SocialBox - A powerful brute force attack framework specifically designed to target social media accounts such as Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • PyPhisher - An advanced phishing tool developed using Python, designed to simulate phishing attacks on popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail.

7. Wi-Fi Hacking in Kali Linux

  • WIFI-BRUTE - A powerful tool designed to crack Wi-Fi passwords using a wordlist.
  • Wifi-Hacking - An open-source script that integrates with Kali Linux and Termux to facilitate wireless network penetration testing.
  • Wipwn - Execute WiFi penetration tests using Termux and Kali linux.
  • - A versatile tool that allows users to exploit vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks, particularly those using WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).
  • Fluxion a sophisticated tool designed for wireless network auditing and security testing.

8. SMS Spamming Tools in Kali Linux

Automate the process of sending unsolicited bulk text messages using Kali Linux tools.

9. Vulnerability Analysis in Kali Linux

Identify and assess vulnerabilities in systems or networks using Kali Linux.

10. Dark Web Search Tools in Kali Linux

Search the dark web for information not indexed by regular search engines using Kali Linux.

11. Phishing Tools in Kali Linux

  • PyPhisher - An advanced phishing tool developed using Python, designed to simulate phishing attacks on popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail.

12. Password Attacking in Kali Linux

Crunch - Generate custom wordlists for brute force attacks in Kali Linux.

13. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks in Kali Linux

Intercept communications between two parties using Kali Linux tools.

14. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks in Kali Linux

Overwhelm a target system with traffic to make it unresponsive using Kali Linux.

15. Wordlist Generator in Kali Linux

  • Crunch - A versatile tool that helps in creating wordlists through various permutations and combinations of characters

16. Brute Force Attacks in Kali Linux

  • WIFI-BRUTE - A powerful tool designed to crack Wi-Fi passwords using a wordlist.
  • Wifi-Hacking - An open-source script that integrates with Kali Linux and Termux to facilitate wireless network penetration testing.
  • Wipwn - Execute WiFi penetration tests using Termux and Kali linux.
  • - A versatile tool that allows users to exploit vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks, particularly those using WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).
  • SocialBox - A powerful brute force attack framework specifically designed to target social media accounts such as Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Fluxion a sophisticated tool designed for wireless network auditing and security testing.

17. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacking in Kali Linux

Inject malicious scripts into web applications to exploit vulnerabilities using Kali Linux.

18. Discord Leaks in Kali Linux

Exploit unauthorized access to Discord's databases for user data using Kali Linux.

19. Complex Tools in Termux

  • AllHackingTools - Installing all hacking tools on Termux and Linux systems.
  • OpenVAS - a powerful, open-source tool designed to help you identify vulnerabilities within your network.
  • Lynis is highly regarded for its ability to conduct thorough system scans that support both system hardening and compliance testing

20. Other Tools in Kali Linux

  • MaskPhish - A powerful tool designed to demonstrate the concept of URL masking technology.


Kali Linux offers a wide array of tools and techniques for penetration testing. However, it’s crucial to use these tools ethically and in compliance with legal standards.