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How to Exploit and Secure Wireless Networks with the Wifi-Hacking Tool

Learn to use the Wifi-Hacking Tool for wireless network security. Capture handshakes, crack passwords, and test WPS vulnerabilities effectively.
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Wireless networks are a common target for both ethical hackers and cybercriminals due to their widespread use and potential vulnerabilities. The Wifi-Hacking Tool is a powerful tool designed specifically for testing the security of wireless connections using Kali Linux, Termux, and other platforms. This guide will walk you through how to use this tool effectively while emphasizing the importance of ethical hacking practices.

This guide is intended for educational purposes only. Misuse of the tools discussed can lead to severe legal consequences.

How to Exploit and Secure Wireless Networks with the Wifi-Hacking Tool

Understanding Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking is the practice of testing systems and networks to identify and fix security vulnerabilities. It's a critical skill in today's digital world, where cyber threats are constantly evolving. By using tools like the Wifi-Hacking Tool responsibly, you can help organizations strengthen their defenses against malicious attacks.

Hacking is a skill that should be used to protect, not to harm. This guide will help you learn how to ethically exploit wireless connections to identify weaknesses and secure networks.

What is the Wifi-Hacking Tool?

The Wifi-Hacking Tool is an open-source script that integrates with Kali Linux and Termux to facilitate wireless network penetration testing. It's compatible with a variety of security protocols, including WEP, WPA, and WPA2, making it a versatile option for testing different types of networks.

Key Features of the Wifi-Hacking Tool

The tool offers a range of features that allow users to monitor wireless networks, capture handshakes, crack passwords, and execute WPS attacks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced ethical hacker, this tool provides everything you need to test the security of wireless networks effectively.

Prerequisites for Wireless Hacking

Before diving into the wireless hacking process, it's essential to ensure you have the right tools and environment set up. The Wifi-Hacking Tool is compatible with several operating systems, including Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Parrot OS, and Termux. Each of these platforms offers unique advantages for ethical hacking, and choosing the right one can significantly impact your experience.

Supported Operating Systems

The Wifi-Hacking Tool is designed to work seamlessly on the following platforms:

  • Kali Linux: A preferred choice for cybersecurity professionals due to its extensive library of pre-installed tools.
  • Ubuntu: A user-friendly Linux distribution that is ideal for beginners looking to explore ethical hacking.
  • Parrot OS: A lightweight alternative to Kali Linux, focusing on security and privacy.
  • Termux: A versatile terminal emulator for Android, allowing users to execute Linux commands and scripts directly from their mobile devices.

Make sure your system is up to date before proceeding with the installation and setup of the Wifi-Hacking Tool.

Installing Required Tools and Dependencies

Each operating system has specific tools and dependencies that need to be installed to run the Wifi-Hacking Tool effectively. Below are the general steps to ensure your environment is ready for wireless hacking:

  • Update Package Lists: Regular updates are crucial for maintaining system security and compatibility. This step ensures all your tools and libraries are current.
  • Install Git: Git is required to clone the Wifi-Hacking Tool repository from GitHub.
  • Install Python: Python is the programming language used to run the Wifi-Hacking Tool script. Ensure you have Python3 installed on your system.

Skipping these steps may lead to errors when running the Wifi-Hacking Tool. Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed.

Basic Setup and Installation

Once your system is prepared, the next step is to set up the Wifi-Hacking Tool. This process involves updating your package lists, cloning the tool's repository, navigating to the correct directory, and finally running the script. The following steps outline the setup process for both Linux-based systems and Termux on Android.

Step 1: Updating Package Lists

Before installing any new software, it's crucial to update your system's package list. This ensures that you have the latest versions of all required packages.

sudo apt-get update

This command fetches the latest updates for all installed packages, ensuring that your system is ready to install new software without any compatibility issues.

Step 2: Cloning the Wifi-Hacking Repository

With your system updated, the next step is to clone the Wifi-Hacking Tool repository from GitHub. This will download all the necessary files onto your local machine.

git clone

Once the cloning process is complete, you'll have a new directory containing the Wifi-Hacking Tool's script and associated files.

Step 3: Navigating the Cloned Directory

After cloning the repository, you need to navigate to the directory where the tool is located. This step is essential to execute the script correctly.


Use the ls command to list the contents of the directory and verify that the necessary files are present.

Step 4: Running the Wifi-Hacking Script

With everything in place, you can now run the Wifi-Hacking script. For Linux-based systems, you'll need to execute the script with elevated privileges to ensure it has the necessary permissions.

sudo python3

Ensure you have the appropriate permissions to run scripts with elevated privileges, especially on shared or managed systems.

If you're using Termux on Android, simply run the script without the sudo command:


Running the script will launch the Wifi-Hacking Tool interface, where you can begin testing and exploiting wireless networks.

Wireless Network Exploitation Techniques

With the Wifi-Hacking Tool set up and running, you can now begin exploring various techniques for exploiting wireless networks. These methods will help you identify vulnerabilities and strengthen the security of your own networks or those you have permission to test. Below are some of the primary techniques you can use with this tool.

3.1 Starting and Stopping Monitor Mode

Monitor mode is a crucial feature that allows your wireless network adapter to capture all traffic on the network, including packets not intended for your device. To begin exploiting wireless networks, you first need to enable monitor mode on your network interface.

sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

Replace wlan0 with the name of your wireless interface, which you can find using the iwconfig command.

To stop monitor mode when you're finished, use the following command:

sudo airmon-ng stop wlan0mon

3.2 Scanning for Wireless Networks

Once monitor mode is enabled, you can start scanning for nearby wireless networks. This step is essential to identify the networks you want to test.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon

This command will display a list of available networks, along with important details such as BSSID, channel, and signal strength.

3.3 Capturing a Handshake

Capturing a handshake is a critical step in the process of cracking a wireless network's password. A handshake is the data exchanged between a wireless device and a router when connecting to a network.

sudo airodump-ng --bssid [BSSID] -c [channel] -w [filename] wlan0mon

Replace [BSSID], [channel], and [filename] with the relevant information from your network scan. This command captures the handshake and saves it to a file for later use.

3.4 Creating a Wordlist for Password Cracking

To crack a captured handshake, you'll need a wordlist—a file containing potential passwords. The Wifi-Hacking Tool allows you to create custom wordlists based on specific criteria, or you can use pre-existing wordlists like rockyou.txt.

sudo crunch [min] [max] [charset] -o [filename]

Replace [min], [max], [charset], and [filename] with the desired parameters to generate a wordlist. Alternatively, use a pre-built wordlist for convenience.

3.5 Cracking Handshakes with Predefined Wordlists

Using rockyou.txt

The rockyou.txt wordlist is one of the most popular and comprehensive collections of common passwords. To crack a handshake using this wordlist, use the following command:

sudo aircrack-ng -w /path/to/rockyou.txt -b [BSSID] [capturefile].cap

Custom Wordlist Cracking

If you've created a custom wordlist, you can use it to crack the handshake as well:

sudo aircrack-ng -w /path/to/custom_wordlist.txt -b [BSSID] [capturefile].cap

Cracking passwords using a wordlist can be time-consuming, depending on the complexity of the password and the size of the wordlist.

3.6 Cracking Handshakes Without a Wordlist

In some cases, you might not have a wordlist available, or the password may be too complex for standard wordlists. In these scenarios, advanced techniques like brute force attacks or the use of specialized tools like John the Ripper can be employed.

Attempting to crack passwords without permission is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit authorization before conducting any security tests.

WPS Network Attacks

WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a network security standard that simplifies the process of connecting devices to a wireless network. However, it is known for its vulnerabilities, making it a prime target for attackers. The Wifi-Hacking Tool includes features that allow you to exploit these vulnerabilities, particularly in networks with WPS enabled.

4.1 Scanning for WPS Networks

Before you can exploit a WPS network, you first need to identify which networks have WPS enabled. The following command allows you to scan for these networks:

sudo wash -i wlan0mon

This command will list all nearby networks with WPS enabled, including details like BSSID, channel, and signal strength.

4.2 Attacking WPS Networks

Once you've identified a WPS-enabled network, you can attempt to exploit its vulnerabilities using a tool like reaver or bully. These tools try different WPS PINs until they find the correct one, allowing you to retrieve the network's password.

sudo reaver -i wlan0mon -b [BSSID] -c [channel] -vv

Replace [BSSID] and [channel] with the appropriate values from your scan. The -vv option increases the verbosity of the output, giving you more detailed feedback during the attack.

Attacking WPS networks is illegal without permission. These techniques should only be used in controlled environments for educational or pentesting purposes.

4.3 Bypassing WPS Lockdown

Some routers have a WPS lockdown feature that temporarily disables WPS after a certain number of failed attempts. If you encounter this, you can try the following strategies to bypass the lockdown:

  • Wait it out: WPS lockdowns usually last for a limited time (e.g., 5-10 minutes). After this period, you can resume your attack.
  • Use a different tool: Some tools, like bully, are designed to handle WPS lockdowns more effectively than others.
  • Change your MAC address: Some routers lock down based on the attacking device's MAC address. Changing your MAC address might allow you to continue the attack without triggering the lockdown.

Bypassing security measures without authorization is a violation of the law and ethical guidelines. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions before attempting any network attacks.

Installing Wireless Tools on Different Operating Systems

To effectively utilize the Wifi-Hacking Tool, you need to ensure that your system has the necessary wireless tools installed. The installation process differs slightly depending on the operating system you are using, such as Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Parrot OS, or Termux on Android. Below are the steps to install these tools on each platform.

5.1 For Kali Linux, Ubuntu, or Parrot OS

On Kali Linux, Ubuntu, or Parrot OS, you can install the required wireless tools using the following commands:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git

This command updates the package list on your system and installs git, which is necessary to clone the Wifi-Hacking Tool repository.

5.2 Cloning the Wifi-Hacking Tool Repository

Once git is installed, you can clone the repository that contains the Wifi-Hacking Tool:

git clone

After cloning, navigate to the cloned directory and list its contents:


Ensure you have navigated to the correct directory before proceeding with running the script.

5.3 Running the Wifi-Hacking Tool Script

With everything set up, you can now run the Wifi-Hacking Tool script using elevated privileges:

sudo python3

Running scripts with elevated privileges can be risky. Ensure you trust the source of the script before executing it on your system.

5.4 For Rooted Termux on Android

For Android users with Termux installed, the process is similar, but with some adjustments for the mobile environment.

Updating Packages and Installing Necessary Tools

Begin by updating your package list and installing the required tools:

apt update
apt install git
apt install python
apt install python3
apt install cmatrix

Cloning the Repository

Next, clone the repository using git:

git clone

Navigating and Running the Script

After cloning, navigate to the directory and list its contents:


Finally, run the script:


Running this tool on a rooted Termux environment requires caution. Ensure your device is secure and that you are aware of the potential risks.

Cracking the Handshake

Once you've captured the handshake from a target network, the next step is to crack it to retrieve the Wi-Fi password. This section will guide you through different methods to crack the handshake, using various tools and techniques.

6.1 Cracking Handshake with rockyou.txt

The rockyou.txt wordlist is one of the most popular and widely used wordlists in password cracking. It contains millions of common passwords, making it a good starting point for brute-force attacks. To crack the handshake using rockyou.txt, follow these steps:

aircrack-ng -w /path/to/rockyou.txt -b [BSSID] /path/to/handshake.cap

In this command, replace /path/to/rockyou.txt with the actual path to the rockyou.txt wordlist, and replace /path/to/handshake.cap with the path to your captured handshake file. The [BSSID] should be the BSSID of the target network.

The rockyou.txt wordlist can be found in the default wordlist directory of Kali Linux or downloaded from various online sources.

6.2 Cracking Handshake with a Custom Wordlist

Sometimes, the rockyou.txt wordlist might not be effective, especially if the target uses a more complex or unique password. In such cases, creating a custom wordlist tailored to the target could yield better results. To crack the handshake using a custom wordlist, follow this command:

aircrack-ng -w /path/to/custom-wordlist.txt -b [BSSID] /path/to/handshake.cap

Ensure that your custom wordlist includes likely passwords, such as those related to the target's name, address, or other personal information.

6.3 Cracking Handshake Without a Wordlist

Cracking a handshake without a wordlist involves using more advanced techniques, such as utilizing GPU acceleration or leveraging distributed computing. These methods are more complex and resource-intensive, but they can be effective against networks with highly secure passwords.

Attempting to crack a handshake without a wordlist requires significant computing power and can take a long time. It should only be done in environments where you have explicit permission.

Here’s an example of using a GPU-accelerated tool like hashcat to crack a handshake without a wordlist:

hashcat -m 2500 /path/to/handshake.hccapx -a 3 ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

This command tries all 8-digit numerical combinations, which is a brute-force approach that can be effective against simple numeric passwords.

Using GPU-accelerated cracking techniques can strain your hardware and significantly increase power consumption. Make sure your system is adequately cooled and monitored during the process.


Mastering wireless network exploitation requires a deep understanding of both the tools and the ethical considerations involved. The Wifi-Hacking Tool, along with Kali Linux's integrated features, provides powerful capabilities for testing the security of wireless networks. Whether you're capturing handshakes, cracking passwords with wordlists like rockyou.txt, or exploring advanced methods without wordlists, each step requires careful attention and responsibility.

Remember, hacking is a skill meant for enhancing security, not for malicious activities. Always ensure you have permission before testing any network.

This tool is intended for educational purposes and authorized penetration testing only. Misuse of this tool for illegal activities can lead to severe legal consequences.

By following this guide, you can effectively use the Wifi-Hacking Tool to evaluate the strength of your wireless networks, identify vulnerabilities, and take steps to protect your digital environment. Stay updated with the latest security practices and continue learning to enhance your cybersecurity skills.


What is the Wifi-Hacking Tool?

The Wifi-Hacking Tool is a cybersecurity tool designed to exploit vulnerabilities in wireless networks. It helps test the security of networks by capturing handshakes and attempting to crack Wi-Fi passwords using various methods.

Is it legal to use the Wifi-Hacking Tool?

Using the Wifi-Hacking Tool is legal only if you have explicit permission from the network owner. It is intended for educational purposes and authorized penetration testing. Unauthorized use can result in legal consequences.

What should I do if I encounter a WPS lockdown?

If you encounter a WPS lockdown, you can wait for the lockdown period to expire, use different tools designed to bypass lockdowns, or change your MAC address. Always ensure that you have permission to test the network.

How do I create a custom wordlist for cracking handshakes?

You can create a custom wordlist by gathering common passwords, phrases related to the target, or using password generation tools. Tailoring the wordlist to the specific context of the target network can increase the chances of successfully cracking the handshake.

What are the risks of using advanced cracking techniques?

Advanced cracking techniques, such as GPU acceleration, require significant computing power and can strain your hardware. They can also consume a lot of energy. Ensure your system is adequately cooled and monitored to prevent overheating or damage.

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