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How to Perform WiFi Penetration Testing Using Termux with Wipwn: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to perform WiFi penetration testing using Termux. Follow our guide for installation and usage to enhance your network security skills.
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WiFi networks are a crucial part of our daily lives, providing us with easy access to the internet. However, with this convenience comes the risk of potential security vulnerabilities. To ensure these networks remain secure, ethical hackers use penetration testing techniques to identify and fix security flaws.

Termux, a powerful terminal emulator for Android, allows users to run Linux commands and tools directly on their mobile devices. When combined with tools like Kali Nethunter, Termux can be transformed into a potent platform for WiFi penetration testing. This guide will walk you through the process of performing WiFi penetration using Termux, whether your phone is rooted or not.

In this guide, you'll learn how to set up the necessary tools and execute WiFi penetration tests using Termux, ensuring your WiFi networks are secure from potential threats.

This guide is intended for educational purposes only. Unauthorized penetration testing is illegal and unethical.

If your device is not rooted, don't worry. You can still follow along by installing Kali Nethunter, a mobile penetration testing platform, on your Android device. For those with rooted devices, using Kali Linux is highly recommended for seamless operations and compatibility with advanced hacking tools.

How to Perform WiFi Penetration Testing Using Termux with Wipwn: A Step-by-Step Guide

Why Use Termux for WiFi Penetration Testing?

Termux offers the flexibility of running a wide range of Linux-based tools directly on your Android device without the need for a full desktop environment. This makes it an excellent choice for on-the-go penetration testing. With the right setup, you can turn your smartphone into a powerful hacking tool, capable of performing various network security tests, including WiFi penetration.

Before you begin, ensure you have a solid understanding of ethical hacking principles and always operate within legal boundaries.

Prerequisites for WiFi Penetration Testing

Before diving into WiFi penetration testing with Termux, you need to ensure that your environment is properly set up. This involves installing several essential tools and libraries that will enable you to perform effective penetration tests. Below are the prerequisites you'll need:

Essential Tools and Packages

  • Python: A versatile programming language that serves as the backbone for many hacking tools and scripts.
  • Pixiewps: A tool designed for offline brute-force attacks against WPS pins, making it a crucial component for Pixie Dust attacks.
  • Wpa-supplicant: A software application that facilitates network connectivity, allowing you to interact with wireless networks securely.
Having these tools in place ensures you are well-prepared to execute WiFi penetration tests effectively using Termux.

Ensure that your device has sufficient storage and processing power to handle these tools, as they can be resource-intensive.

Why These Tools?

Each of these tools plays a specific role in the WiFi penetration process. Python scripts automate the testing procedures, Pixiewps enables the exploitation of vulnerable WPS networks, and Wpa-supplicant ensures secure communication with target networks. Together, they create a powerful setup for testing WiFi security.

If you're new to these tools, it's advisable to research each one individually to understand its functions and how it contributes to the overall testing process.

Installation Steps

With the necessary tools identified, the next step is to install them on your Termux environment. Follow the steps below to ensure everything is set up correctly.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Packages

Before installing any new tools, it's important to ensure your Termux environment is up-to-date. This prevents compatibility issues and ensures that you are working with the latest software versions.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

Step 2: Install Required Repositories and Packages

Next, you'll need to install the necessary repositories and packages, including the root-repo, Git, Tsu (for root access), Python, Wpa-supplicant, Pixiewps, and IW. These components are essential for running the WiFi penetration tools.

pkg install root-repo -y
pkg install git tsu python wpa-supplicant pixiewps iw -y

Step 3: Clone the Wipwn Tool Repository

Wipwn is a specialized tool for performing Pixie Dust attacks. To install it, you'll need to clone its repository from GitHub.

git clone

Step 4: Navigate to the Wipwn Directory and Set Permissions

After cloning the repository, navigate to the Wipwn directory and set the necessary permissions to make the main script executable. This will allow you to run the tool without any permission issues.

cd wipwn
chmod +x

Following these installation steps carefully will set you up for successful WiFi penetration testing using Termux.

Ensure that each command executes successfully before moving on to the next step. If any command fails, troubleshoot the issue before proceeding.

Usage Instructions

Now that you have installed all the necessary tools, it's time to learn how to use them for WiFi penetration testing. The following steps will guide you through the basic usage of the Wipwn tool within Termux.

General Help Command

To understand the full capabilities of the Wipwn tool, start by accessing the help menu. This command will provide you with a list of options and parameters you can use.

sudo python --help

This command is essential for familiarizing yourself with the tool's features and understanding how to execute various types of attacks.

Example Command

Once you're familiar with the available options, you can try running a basic command to initiate a WiFi penetration test. Here’s an example of how to use the tool to start a Pixie Dust attack:

sudo python -i wlan0 -K

This command targets the wireless interface wlan0 and attempts to exploit WPS vulnerabilities using the Pixie Dust method.

By starting with these basic commands, you’ll quickly get a feel for how Wipwn operates and how to tailor its usage to your specific needs.

Remember to replace wlan0 with the correct network interface name on your device, if different.

Understanding Command Options

Each command you run with Wipwn may have various options and flags that modify its behavior. For example, you can specify a particular BSSID to target or limit the attack to specific types of networks. It’s crucial to understand these options to make your testing more effective and focused.

Always refer to the help command to review and choose the appropriate options for your testing scenario.

Important Notes for WiFi Penetration Testing

When conducting WiFi penetration tests using Termux, there are several important considerations to keep in mind to ensure the effectiveness of your testing and the security of your device.

Disable WiFi Before Running Tests

Before you begin any penetration test, it's crucial to disable your WiFi connection. This step ensures that the wireless interface is free and available for the tools to use. Running tests while WiFi is enabled can lead to conflicts and errors.

Make sure to disable your WiFi connection before initiating any penetration test.

Enable Hotspot and Location Services

To enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your tests, it's recommended to enable both your mobile hotspot and location services. These features can improve the detection of available networks and help the tools operate more efficiently.

Activate your hotspot and location services to improve network detection during testing.

Displaying Available Networks

Once everything is set up, you can display the available networks that are within range of your device. This step allows you to identify potential targets for your penetration testing.

sudo python -i wlan0 -K

This command will list all detectable networks and initiate a Pixie Dust attack on a specified network.

Targeting a Specific Network BSSID

If you have a particular network in mind, you can target its BSSID directly. This allows for a more focused and efficient attack.

sudo python -i wlan0 -b 00:91:4C:C3:AC:28 -K

Replace 00:91:4C:C3:AC:28 with the BSSID of the network you wish to target.

Launching an Online WPS Brute-Force Attack

For more advanced penetration testing, you can perform an online brute-force attack on a WPS-protected network. This method is especially useful when the first half of the PIN is already known.

sudo python -i wlan0 -b 50:0F:F5:B0:08:05 -B -p 1234

This command attempts to brute-force the remaining half of the WPS PIN, potentially gaining access to the network.

These notes are essential for optimizing your WiFi penetration tests and ensuring you follow best practices.

Always perform these tests in a controlled environment and with permission from the network owner. Unauthorized testing is illegal and unethical.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the correct setup and execution, you may encounter some issues during WiFi penetration testing. Below are common problems and their solutions to help you resolve any challenges you might face.

Error: "Device or Resource Busy (-16)"

If you encounter an error message that says "Device or resource busy (-16)," it typically means that your wireless interface is currently in use or not properly configured for the test. This issue can prevent the Wipwn tool from accessing the network interface, disrupting your penetration testing process.


To resolve this issue, you can try toggling your WiFi on and off. This action can free up the interface, allowing the tool to gain control and proceed with the testing.

# Turn WiFi on
termux-wifi-enable true

# Turn WiFi off
termux-wifi-enable false

After toggling the WiFi, rerun your command to see if the issue is resolved.

Unable to Detect Networks

If you're having trouble detecting available networks, it might be due to incorrect setup or disabled services that the tool relies on. For instance, if your location services or hotspot are turned off, it can impact the tool’s ability to find nearby networks.


Ensure that both your mobile hotspot and location services are enabled. Additionally, check that your wireless interface is functioning correctly and that the Wipwn tool is using the correct network interface identifier (e.g., wlan0).

Double-check your setup to ensure all required services are active and configured properly.

Permissions Issues

Running the Wipwn tool often requires root access, which may not be correctly configured in some environments. If you encounter permission-related errors, it's likely due to a lack of necessary privileges.


Make sure you are running the commands with sudo or as a superuser. If you haven't installed or configured root access on your Termux environment, you’ll need to do so to execute the penetration tests effectively.

Remember that running commands as root can have significant implications. Proceed with caution and only use root privileges when necessary.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can overcome common issues and continue your WiFi penetration testing without interruptions.


WiFi penetration testing using Termux is a powerful way to assess the security of wireless networks, especially when equipped with tools like Wipwn. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively set up, run, and troubleshoot WiFi penetration tests on your Android device.

The methods covered, from installation to usage and troubleshooting, provide a comprehensive approach to identifying vulnerabilities in WPS-enabled networks. Whether you're just starting with penetration testing or looking to refine your skills, these techniques offer a practical way to explore and understand network security.

Always remember to perform penetration tests in an ethical and legal manner, ensuring you have the necessary permissions before conducting any tests. Ethical hacking should always prioritize the safety and privacy of others.

As you continue to explore and utilize WiFi penetration testing tools, stay informed about the latest developments and updates in cybersecurity to maintain effective and responsible practices.


Is it legal to perform WiFi penetration testing using Termux?

Performing WiFi penetration testing is legal only if you have explicit permission from the network owner. Unauthorized testing is illegal and can result in severe penalties. Always ensure you have proper authorization before conducting any tests.

Do I need a rooted Android device to use Wipwn in Termux?

Yes, a rooted Android device is required to use Wipwn effectively in Termux. Root access is necessary to gain control over the wireless interface for performing WiFi penetration testing. If your device is not rooted, consider installing Kali NetHunter, which can provide similar capabilities.

What should I do if the Wipwn tool fails to detect any networks?

If Wipwn fails to detect any networks, ensure that your mobile hotspot and location services are enabled. Additionally, verify that the wireless interface (e.g., wlan0) is correctly identified and functioning properly. Restarting the WiFi or the Termux session may also help resolve the issue.

Can I use Wipwn without root access?

Unfortunately, Wipwn requires root access to operate. Without root privileges, the tool will not be able to access the wireless interface or perform penetration tests. Consider using Kali NetHunter as an alternative if you cannot root your device.

How can I ensure that my WiFi penetration tests are ethical?

To ensure your WiFi penetration tests are ethical, always obtain explicit permission from the network owner before starting any tests. Use the information and tools responsibly, and never attempt to access networks without authorization. Ethical hacking should focus on improving security, not exploiting vulnerabilities for malicious purposes.

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