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How to Hide a Phishing URL Under a Normal-Looking URL with MaskPhish

Learn how to use MaskPhish for hidding phishing URL Under a normal looking URL. This guide covers installation, common issues and legal considerations
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MaskPhish is a powerful tool designed to demonstrate the concept of URL masking technology. It's not a phishing tool, but rather a proof of concept that allows you to disguise a potentially suspicious URL under a more familiar and trustworthy web address like or

MaskPhish provides a simple way to mask URLs, making them appear legitimate while actually directing users to a different destination.
How to Hide a Phishing URL Under a Normal-Looking URL with MaskPhish

What is MaskPhish?

MaskPhish is a Bash script that takes an original URL, often used in phishing schemes, and cloaks it with a more recognizable URL. This method makes it easier for links to be clicked on by users who might not realize that they are being redirected to another site.

How Does It Work?

By using MaskPhish, you can create a shortened link that appears to lead to a safe website. However, the link actually takes the user to the URL you intended, such as a phishing page or any other destination. This method can be integrated into phishing tools, but remember to give proper credits if you do so.

This is a tool for educational purposes only. Any misuse of MaskPhish for illegal activities is strictly prohibited and could lead to severe legal consequences.

Why Use MaskPhish?

MaskPhish can be useful for ethical hacking demonstrations, security research, or educational purposes where understanding the mechanics of phishing attacks is crucial. It allows you to show how easily URLs can be manipulated to look safe when they might not be.

Legal Disclaimer

Before diving deeper into using MaskPhish, it's crucial to understand the legal implications associated with this tool. MaskPhish is strictly for educational purposes, designed to help users learn about URL masking techniques and the potential risks associated with them.

Using MaskPhish for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It’s the user's responsibility to ensure that they comply with all local, state, and federal laws when using this tool.

The developers of MaskPhish do not assume any liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by the improper use of this program.

It is important to use MaskPhish responsibly, especially when demonstrating its capabilities. Always seek permission if you plan to use it in a real-world scenario, and never use it for malicious purposes.

Common Issues and Solutions

While MaskPhish is a straightforward tool, users may occasionally encounter issues when generating masked links. One common problem is that the masked link might not generate properly, which can be frustrating when you’re in the middle of a demonstration or research.

If you find that the masked link isn’t being generated correctly, it’s often due to network restrictions or other environmental factors.

How to Fix Masked Link Generation Issues

To resolve this issue, it's recommended to use a VPN or proxy. By changing your IP address or masking your network traffic, you can bypass potential blocks or restrictions that might be preventing the link from being generated properly.

Using a VPN or proxy can help ensure that MaskPhish functions correctly, allowing you to create the masked links without any hitches.

Once you’ve set up your VPN or proxy, try running MaskPhish again to generate the link. This solution should help you overcome the most common issue users face with this tool.

Installation Guide

Installing MaskPhish is a straightforward process that can be done on various platforms like Kali Linux, Termux, and Ubuntu. Follow the steps below to set up MaskPhish on your system.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

The first step in installing MaskPhish is to clone the repository from GitHub. This can be done with the following command:

git clone

Step 2: Enter the MaskPhish Directory

After cloning the repository, navigate into the MaskPhish directory using the following command:

cd maskphish

Step 3: Run the MaskPhish Script

Once inside the directory, you can run the MaskPhish script with the following command:

MaskPhish has been tested and works seamlessly on Kali Linux, Termux, and Ubuntu, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Ensure that your system meets the necessary requirements and dependencies before running the script to avoid any installation issues.


MaskPhish is a valuable tool for anyone interested in understanding the mechanics of URL masking and phishing techniques. While it's important to recognize its potential for educational purposes, it's equally crucial to use it responsibly and within the bounds of the law.

By following the installation steps and understanding the legal implications, you can safely explore the capabilities of MaskPhish for research or educational demonstrations.

Remember, MaskPhish is not a phishing tool but a proof of concept designed to educate and inform. Always ensure that you have the necessary permissions before using this tool in any practical scenario.

Using MaskPhish irresponsibly can have serious legal consequences. Always prioritize ethical practices and legal compliance.

We hope this guide has provided you with a clear understanding of how to use MaskPhish effectively and responsibly. Continue to explore the world of cybersecurity with caution and curiosity.


What is MaskPhish?

MaskPhish is a Bash script designed to disguise a URL under a legitimate-looking web address. It is used primarily for educational purposes to demonstrate how phishing URLs can be masked to look more trustworthy.

Is MaskPhish a phishing tool?

No, MaskPhish is not a phishing tool. It is a proof of concept for URL masking technology, intended to educate users on how URLs can be manipulated. Its use for phishing or any illegal activity is strictly prohibited.

How do I fix issues with generating masked links?

If the masked link is not generating properly, try using a VPN or proxy to resolve the issue. This can help bypass network restrictions that might be causing the problem.

On which platforms can I install MaskPhish?

MaskPhish has been tested and works on Kali Linux, Termux, and Ubuntu. You can install it on any of these platforms by following the installation steps provided in this guide.

What are the legal considerations when using MaskPhish?

MaskPhish should only be used for educational purposes. Using it for illegal activities such as phishing is against the law. Users must ensure they comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

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