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PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

Learn how to install and use PyPhisher in Termux to create phishing pages for ethical hacking and cybersecurity testing.

Phishing is still one of the best ways to trick people in social engineering attacks. If you are an ethical hacker wanting to try phishing through Termux on your android phone, PyPhisher is a tool that helps you create fake login pages for popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, GitHub, Reddit, Gmail, and more.

Disclaimer This tool is developed for educational purposes. Here it demonstrates how phishing works. If anybody wants to gain unauthorized access to someones social media, he/she may try out this at his/her own risk. You have your own responsibilities and you are liable to any damage or violation of laws by this tool. The author is not responsible for any misuse of PyPhisher!
PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

Installing PyPhisher on Termux

Setting up PyPhisher on Termux is straightforward, but each step plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth execution. Follow this guide carefully to install and run PyPhisher on your Termux environment.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Termux Packages

Before installing any tool, it's always a good practice to update Termux packages to avoid compatibility issues. Run the following command:

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

This ensures that your Termux environment has the latest package versions.

Step 2: Install Required Dependencies

PyPhisher requires Git, Python3, Pip, PHP, and OpenSSH. These are essential for cloning the repository, running the script, and setting up the phishing pages. Install them using:

pkg install git python3 python-pip php openssh -y
PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

Step 3: Clone the PyPhisher Repository

Once dependencies are installed, download PyPhisher by cloning its repository from GitLab:

git clone
PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

This will create a new folder named PyPhisher in your Termux home directory.

Step 4: Navigate to the PyPhisher Directory

Move into the cloned PyPhisher directory:

cd PyPhisher
PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

This step is necessary because the installation script and main Python file are located inside this folder.

Step 5: Install Python Dependencies

PyPhisher relies on additional Python libraries, which must be installed using pip. Run:

pip3 install -r files/requirements.txt
PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

If you encounter permission errors while installing dependencies, try running:

pip3 install --break-system-packages -r files/requirements.txt

This option allows Termux to install packages even if there are system-level restrictions.

Step 6: Run PyPhisher

Now, you can launch PyPhisher using:

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

It will ask you if you have loclx authtoken, if you don't have Type n and Enter

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

If everything is set up correctly, PyPhisher will start, and you will see a menu allowing you to choose a phishing template.

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

Alternative method via wget

Alternatively, you can directly download and run PyPhisher without cloning the repository:

wget && python3

This method is useful if you want to quickly test PyPhisher without installing it permanently.

Alternative Installation via Pip

If you prefer installing PyPhisher as a Python package instead of cloning the repository, you can use pip:

pip3 install pyphisher

After installation, simply type:


This will launch the tool without needing to navigate to the cloned directory.

How to Use PyPhisher in Termux

Once you have installed PyPhisher in Termux, you can start using it to generate phishing pages and capture login credentials (for ethical hacking purposes). Follow the steps below to set up and use PyPhisher in Termux.

Step 1: Select a Phishing Template

To create a phishing page for Facebook, select option 1 from the menu:

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

This will generate a phishing page that mimics the traditional Facebook login page.

Step 2: OTP Page Prompt

PyPhisher will ask: Do you want OTP Page? (y/n):

Type n and press Enter to proceed without an OTP page.

Step 3: Skipping Unnecessary Processes

Next, PyPhisher will prompt for two additional processes. These are not important, so press Enter twice to skip them.

Step 4: Enable Hotspot

Before generating phishing links, you must enable your mobile hotspot. PyPhisher will notify you when to do this. Turn on your hotspot and wait for the tool to generate phishing links.

Step 5: Choose a Phishing Link

Once the phishing links are generated, you will see multiple links, Select any link that you prefer and copy it.

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

Step 6: Open the Phishing Link in Chrome

Paste the copied link into Google Chrome or any other browser. This will open the fake Facebook login page.

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

Step 7: Capture Credentials

Enter login credentials (for testing purposes) into the phishing page. Once entered, PyPhisher will capture the details and display them inside Termux.

PyPhisher in Termux: Ultimate Phishing Tool for Termux Users

By following these steps, you can successfully use PyPhisher in Termux to generate phishing pages and capture credentials (for ethical hacking)

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