How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Learn how to install and use AnonPhisher a powerful phishing tool in Termux. Learn how to create fake login pages for popular platforms like Instagram

Phishing is a common online threat where attackers pretend to be real websites to trick people into giving away personal information. Tools like AnonPhisher, Zphisher, and PyPhisher help automate this trick, making them popular among security testers and researchers. In this blog post, we will look at how to install and use AnonPhisher in Termux, so you can understand what it does and how hackers use such tools.

Note: This guide is for learning only. Using phishing tools without permission is against the law and wrong.

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

What is AnonPhisher?

AnonPhisher is a free tool for Termux that helps make fake login pages for social media sites. It has ready-made templates for sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

AnonPhisher also has options to host these fake pages online easily. Although some people use it for bad reasons, cybersecurity experts use AnonPhisher to test security and teach others about phishing attacks.

How to Install AnonPhisher in Termux

Now that you know what AnonPhisher is, let's install it. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Update Termux Packages

Before installing anything, update your Termux to avoid problems:

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 2: Install Required Dependencies

AnonPhisher needs some packages to work. Install them with:

pkg install git php curl wget -y
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 3: Clone AnonPhisher Repository

Use Git to download the latest version of AnonPhisher from GitHub:

git clone
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 4: Navigate to the AnonPhisher Directory

After downloading, go to the AnonPhisher folder:

cd anonphisher
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 5: Run the AnonPhisher Script

Start AnonPhisher with:

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

After you run the script, AnonPhisher will start and show its interface. If everything is done right, you will see a menu with different phishing templates.

How to Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Now that the installation is done, we can learn how to use AnonPhisher to hack social accounts. This works only if there were no errors during installation. Follow the steps below to use AnonPhisher in Termux.

Step 1: Restart Termux

Make sure to completely restart Termux before using AnonPhisher.

Step 2: Navigate to AnonPhisher

Open Termux again and type:

cd anonphisher
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 3: Start AnonPhisher

Run the script again by typing:

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 4: Select a Social Media Phishing Template

AnonPhisher will show a list of social media options (like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).Each has a number.

  • Type 1 for Instagram.
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 5: Choose a Phishing Page Type

AnonPhisher provides three types of phishing pages:

  • [01] Traditional Login Page
  • [02] Auto Followers Login Page
  • [03] Blue Badge Verification Page

For example, if you want a standard phishing page, type 1

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 6: Select a Tunneling Option

To make the phishing page accessible, you’ll need to choose a tunneling option:

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Recommendation: If you experience errors with options 2, 3, or 4, select LocalHost (option 1) and manually mask the URL using Cloudflare (explained below).

Step 7: Set a Custom Port (Optional)

AnonPhisher will ask: [!] Do you want a Custom port [y/N]:

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux
  • Type y to set a custom port.
  • Type n to use the default port (8080).

Once confirmed, AnonPhisher will generate a local phishing link, such as

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

To test it, open the link in a browser.

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

How to Make the Phishing Page Accessible Online

The phishing page can only be seen on your local computer at first. To make it available online, use Cloudflared to set up a secure link.

Step 1: Open a New Termux Session

While AnonPhisher is running, swipe from the left in Termux and select New Session.

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 2: Install Cloudflared

In the new session, type this to install Cloudflared:

pkg install cloudflared
How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

Step 3: Create a Tunnel

Run Cloudflared with the phishing link generated by AnonPhisher:

cloudflared tunnel --url

Important: Replace with the link generated by AnonPhisher.

How to Install and Use AnonPhisher in Termux

After running the command, Cloudflared will provide a publicly accessible link, which you can share with a target.



Issue: Errors When Selecting Tunneling Options (LocalXpose, Cloudflare, LocalTunnel)


These options may not work due to API restrictions or incorrect configurations.


  • Use LocalHost instead.
  • Manually mask the link using Cloudflared (follow the method above).


You have learned how to install and use AnonPhisher in Termux to make phishing pages for ethical hacking and cybersecurity awareness. Remember, phishing is against the law without permission, so always use this tool carefully.

Do you want guides on more Termux hacking tools? Let me know in the comments!

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