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Socialphish: A Comprehensive Guide to the Phishing Tool for Kali Linux

Discover Socialphish, a user-friendly phishing tool for Kali Linux. Learn how to install, use, and create phishing pages with ease.
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Socialphish is making waves in the world of cybersecurity as a powerful and user-friendly phishing tool specifically designed for Kali Linux. Unlike many other phishing tools, Socialphish offers a sleek and intuitive interface, making it accessible even for those who are new to phishing attacks. It's gaining popularity for its simplicity compared to more complex tools like the Social Engineering Toolkit.

Socialphish provides a straightforward way to execute phishing attacks, utilizing pre-made templates for various well-known platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Google, and many others. This tool also supports custom templates, giving users the flexibility to craft phishing emails that appear highly convincing.

With Socialphish, you can easily create phishing pages for over 30 popular websites, streamlining the process of targeting specific platforms.

Please remember to use this tool responsibly and only for ethical purposes, such as educational demonstrations or security testing.

Socialphish: A Comprehensive Guide to the Phishing Tool for Kali Linux

Features of Socialphish

Socialphish stands out in the realm of phishing tools for several reasons. It is an open-source tool that combines efficiency with ease of use, crafted in the bash language. This makes it lightweight and minimalistic, ensuring it doesn't consume unnecessary system resources.

Open-Source and Lightweight

As an open-source tool, Socialphish benefits from community contributions and transparency, which enhances its reliability and functionality. Its lightweight design ensures that it runs smoothly on your system without causing performance issues.

Simple and User-Friendly Interface

Designed with simplicity in mind, Socialphish is easy to navigate. Even those who are new to phishing tools will find it straightforward to use, thanks to its user-friendly interface. This makes it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced users.

Extensive Template Support

One of Socialphish's notable features is its support for over 30 different websites. This includes major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Snapchat, among others. The tool allows users to create phishing pages that closely resemble these popular sites.

In addition to the pre-made templates, Socialphish provides the option to use custom templates. This feature allows for greater creativity and flexibility in designing phishing campaigns.

Installation Guide

Installing Socialphish on Kali Linux is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get the tool up and running:

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

Begin by setting up a directory for Socialphish on your Kali Linux system. This will keep all related files organized.

cd Desktop
mkdir Socialphish

Step 2: Download and Setup

Clone the Socialphish repository from GitHub to your newly created directory. This will download all the necessary files.

git clone

Navigate into the Socialphish directory to view the contents and prepare for installation.

cd Socialphish

Step 3: Set Permissions and Run

Grant execution permissions to the Socialphish script to make it runnable. This step is crucial for running the tool.

chmod +x

Run the tool to access the help menu and confirm that it is set up correctly.


Once the tool is running, you can choose the website for which you want to create a phishing page. There are 33 website options available in Socialphish.

Usage Instructions

Once Socialphish is installed, you can start using it to create phishing pages. Follow these steps to craft a phishing page specifically for Instagram:

Creating a Phishing Page

First, select the target website from the options provided by Socialphish. For this example, we’ll use Instagram.

Type 01 to select Instagram
Type 02 for port forwarding

Socialphish will generate a phishing link for the Instagram page. This link will lead to a page that closely resembles the real Instagram login page.

Sharing and Monitoring

Share the generated link with the target. When the target opens this link, they will see a webpage that looks like Instagram’s official site. Any login details entered on this page will be captured and displayed in the Socialphish terminal.


Socialphish is a powerful and accessible open-source tool for creating phishing pages. Its user-friendly interface and lightweight design make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced users. With support for over 30 popular websites and the ability to use custom templates, Socialphish simplifies the process of executing phishing attacks.

Its ease of use and extensive template library offer a practical alternative to more complex phishing tools like the Social Engineering Toolkit. However, it's important to remember to use Socialphish responsibly and ethically.

Always ensure that your use of Socialphish is for educational purposes or security testing to prevent misuse.


What is Socialphish?

Socialphish is an open-source phishing tool designed for Kali Linux. It allows users to create phishing pages for various popular websites with a simple and user-friendly interface.

How do I install Socialphish on Kali Linux?

To install Socialphish, create a directory on your desktop, clone the Socialphish repository from GitHub, and then set execution permissions for the script. For detailed steps, refer to the installation guide.

How does Socialphish work?

Socialphish generates phishing pages that resemble the login pages of various websites. Users can select a target website, share the generated phishing link, and monitor the credentials entered by the target in the Socialphish terminal.

Can I use Socialphish for custom templates?

Yes, Socialphish allows users to create and use custom phishing templates in addition to the pre-made templates for popular websites.

Is Socialphish legal to use?

Socialphish should be used responsibly and only for ethical purposes such as educational demonstrations or security testing. Unauthorized use of phishing tools is illegal and unethical.

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