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Execute a DDoS Attack on Mobile with Xerxes via Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to execute a DDoS attack on mobile using Xerxes via Termux. Follow our step-by-step guide for setup and execution on Android devices.
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Welcome to our guide on executing a DDoS attack on mobile devices using Xerxes through Termux. If you're curious about how this process works or if you want to experiment with cybersecurity tools on your Android device, you're in the right place. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through each step to set up Termux and use Xerxes effectively. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, we'll cover everything you need to know in a clear and straightforward manner.

In this guide, you'll learn how to leverage Termux, a terminal emulator for Android, and Xerxes, a tool for DDoS attacks, to perform network tests directly from your mobile device.

Make sure to follow each step carefully to avoid errors during the installation and execution process.

Performing DDoS attacks without authorization is illegal and unethical. This guide is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious activities.

Execute a DDoS Attack on Mobile with Xerxes via Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is Termux?

Termux is a powerful terminal emulator and Linux environment designed for Android devices. It provides users with a minimalistic but fully functional Linux shell, allowing you to run a variety of command-line tools directly on your smartphone or tablet. Termux combines the simplicity of Android with the flexibility of a Linux environment, making it a versatile tool for tech enthusiasts and developers.

Termux is not just a terminal emulator; it offers a full Linux experience, enabling users to perform a wide range of tasks including software development, system management, and network operations.

To get started with Termux, you'll need to install it from the Google Play Store, where it’s available for free. It’s also possible to customize Termux with additional packages and tools based on your needs.

Basic Requirements

Before you start setting up Termux and Xerxes, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Android Device: You need a smartphone or tablet running Android version 5.0 (Lollipop) or newer. This ensures compatibility with Termux and its functionalities.
  • Termux App: Install Termux from the Google Play Store. It provides the terminal environment needed for running commands and scripts.
  • Hacker's Keyboard: This optional keyboard app enhances typing capabilities in Termux, especially for entering complex commands.
  • Patience and Attention: Ensure you are patient and detail-oriented throughout the process. Small mistakes can lead to errors during installation or execution.
Having these requirements met will streamline the process and help you avoid common issues during setup.

Ensure your Android device has a stable internet connection during the installation process to avoid interruptions.

Installation Steps

Follow these detailed steps to install Termux and set up Xerxes on your Android device:

Installing Termux

  1. Download and install Termux from the Google Play Store. Ensure that your mobile data or Wi-Fi is active during the download.

Setting Up Termux

  1. Open Termux and update its package list by running the following command:
  2. pkg update
  3. Upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions using this command:
  4. pkg upgrade

Installing Xerxes

  1. First, install Git to clone the Xerxes repository:
  2. pkg install git
  3. Next, install Clang, which is required to compile Xerxes:
  4. pkg install clang
  5. Clone the Xerxes repository from GitHub:
  6. git clone
  7. Navigate to the Xerxes directory:
  8. cd xerxes
  9. Compile the Xerxes code:
  10. clang xerxes.c -o xerxes
Completing these steps will set up Termux and prepare Xerxes for execution. Ensure you follow the commands precisely to avoid errors.

Always check for the latest versions of Termux and Xerxes to ensure compatibility and security.

Running Xerxes

Once you have installed Xerxes, you can proceed to execute a DDoS attack. Follow these steps to run Xerxes effectively:

Executing the Attack

  1. To start the DDoS attack, use the following command:
  2. ./xerxes 80
  3. Replace with the target website’s URL and 80 with the port number you want to target.
  4. For a more powerful attack, you can open multiple Termux sessions and run the command in each session. This will increase the volume of traffic directed at the target.
Running Xerxes in multiple Termux sessions can amplify the attack, but be cautious of potential system limitations and ethical considerations.

Ensure you have a reliable internet connection while running Xerxes to maintain the effectiveness of the attack.

Conducting unauthorized DDoS attacks is illegal and can have serious consequences. This guide is for educational purposes only.

Precautions and Best Practices

When working with Termux and running Xerxes, it's important to follow these precautions to ensure a smooth experience and avoid potential issues:

During Installation

  • Internet Connectivity: Make sure your Android device has a stable internet connection throughout the installation process to avoid interruptions.

Command Execution

  • Avoid Typos: Double-check your commands to ensure there are no spelling mistakes. Typos can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.
  • Stay Calm: If you encounter any issues or errors, remain calm. Troubleshoot the problem step by step to identify and resolve any issues.
Following these best practices will help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure that the process runs smoothly.

Regularly check for updates and patches for Termux and Xerxes to maintain security and functionality.

Always use these tools responsibly and within the bounds of the law to avoid legal repercussions.


We’ve covered the complete process of installing and running Xerxes on your Android device using Termux. By following these steps, you should now be equipped to perform network tests and understand the basics of how DDoS attacks work. Remember, this knowledge is powerful and should be used responsibly.

Understanding how to set up and run Xerxes can provide valuable insights into network security and the importance of protecting against DDoS attacks.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to revisit the steps or reach out for support.

This guide is intended for educational purposes only. Unauthorized use of DDoS tools can lead to serious legal consequences.


What is Termux and why is it used?

Termux is a terminal emulator for Android that provides a Linux environment on your smartphone or tablet. It is used for running command-line tools and performing various tasks like software development and network management.

Is it legal to use Xerxes for a DDoS attack?

No, conducting DDoS attacks without authorization is illegal and can have severe consequences. This guide is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious activities.

What should I do if I encounter errors during installation?

Check the commands you have entered for typos and ensure your internet connection is stable. If errors persist, consult the Termux and Xerxes documentation or seek help from online communities.

Can I use Termux for other tasks besides running Xerxes?

Yes, Termux is versatile and can be used for a variety of tasks including programming, system administration, and running other command-line tools and scripts.

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