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How to Clone a Facebook Account Using Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to use the HaxordBd tool in Termux to clone a Facebook account. Follow our step-by-step guide for ethical hacking and security testing.
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Are you interested in exploring the world of ethical hacking with Termux? In this guide, we'll walk you through how to use the HaxordBd tool to clone a Facebook account. This process is designed for educational purposes and aims to show you the potential of Termux for security testing.

Cloning a Facebook account using Termux is a method to understand vulnerabilities and strengthen security. It’s essential to approach this responsibly and ethically.

This tutorial is intended for ethical hackers and cybersecurity enthusiasts who want to learn more about Termux and its capabilities. Always use these tools responsibly and within legal boundaries.

How to Clone a Facebook Account Using Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Understanding Facebook Account Cloning

Facebook account cloning involves creating a fake profile that mimics a legitimate Facebook account. This technique is often used by scammers to deceive friends and family, leading to various types of fraud.

What is Facebook Account Cloning?

In the context of online security, Facebook account cloning means duplicating someone’s Facebook profile to impersonate them. The goal is typically to gain trust and extract sensitive information, which can be used for malicious purposes.

Potential Risks and Consequences

Cloning a Facebook account can have serious repercussions, including:

  • Identity Theft: Scammers can use cloned profiles to steal personal information.
  • Financial Scams: Impersonators may trick friends into sending money or revealing financial details.
  • Privacy Invasion: Cloning can lead to unauthorized access to private conversations and data.
It’s crucial to understand these risks to appreciate why responsible and ethical use of these tools is essential.

Essential Termux Hacking Tools

Termux provides a powerful environment for ethical hacking and cybersecurity testing. Here are some of the key tools you can use within Termux to enhance your hacking skills and perform various security assessments:


Zphisher is a phishing tool that helps you create fake login pages to test the security of your own accounts or to understand phishing techniques better. It’s a valuable tool for ethical hackers to learn about social engineering attacks.


Hydra is a versatile tool used for brute-force attacks on various protocols and services. It allows you to test the strength of passwords and identify vulnerabilities in authentication systems.


SQLmap is an automated tool that helps identify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It’s crucial for testing the security of databases and understanding how SQL injections can compromise data.


Seeker is a social engineering tool that helps track and gather information from targets. It can be used to test how easily personal data can be obtained through deceptive means.

These tools are essential for learning about ethical hacking and security testing. Always use them responsibly and within legal boundaries to ensure you are contributing positively to the cybersecurity community.

Spotlight on HaxordBd

HaxordBd is a specialized tool within Termux designed specifically for Facebook account cloning. It simplifies the process and provides several key features that make it a popular choice among users interested in security testing.

Overview of HaxordBd

HaxordBd is a user-friendly script that enables you to clone Facebook IDs effortlessly. It’s designed to be straightforward, making it accessible even for those who are new to ethical hacking.

Key Features of HaxordBd

  • No Login Required: HaxordBd operates without needing a login, streamlining the process and enhancing ease of use.
  • Support for Bangladeshi Operators: The tool is tailored to work with various Bangladeshi phone numbers, making it versatile for different user scenarios.
  • Compatibility with Various Digit Lengths: HaxordBd supports different lengths of phone numbers, adding flexibility to its functionality.
HaxordBd’s design focuses on simplicity and accessibility, ensuring that users can effectively utilize its features for educational purposes.

Setting Up Your Termux Environment

Before you can use HaxordBd for Facebook account cloning, you'll need to set up your Termux environment by installing some essential dependencies. This preparation ensures that the tool runs smoothly and efficiently.

Necessary Dependencies

To get started, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Git: A version control system that helps you clone repositories from GitHub.
  • Python: The programming language required to run the HaxordBd script. Both Python 2 and Python 3 might be needed depending on the tool's requirements.
  • Python2: Specifically required for running HaxordBd, as some tools are compatible with Python 2.x versions.

Installation Instructions

Follow these steps to set up your Termux environment:

  1. Update and Upgrade Termux Repositories: Ensure you have the latest packages by running the following commands:
  2. pkg update && pkg upgrade
  3. Install Required Packages: Use the following commands to install Git and Python:
  4. pkg install git python python2
Setting up Termux correctly is crucial for ensuring that HaxordBd and other tools function properly. Always verify that you have the necessary dependencies before proceeding with installation.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Follow these straightforward steps to install and use HaxordBd in Termux. This guide will walk you through the process of cloning the HaxordBd repository, navigating to the correct directory, and running the tool.

1. Clone HaxordBd from GitHub

Start by cloning the HaxordBd repository from GitHub to your Termux environment. Use the following command:

git clone

2. Navigate to the Haxord Folder

Once the repository is cloned, navigate to the HaxordBd directory with this command:

cd haxorbd

3. Run the Tool

To execute the HaxordBd tool, use the following command. This will start the tool and prepare it for use:


4. Enter Credentials

You will need to enter specific credentials to use the tool. Input the following when prompted:

  • USERNAME: haxor
  • PASSWORD: htrtech
By following these steps, you can successfully set up and use HaxordBd for Facebook account cloning. Ensure that you use the tool responsibly and ethically.

Important Considerations

When using HaxordBd or any similar tool, it's essential to keep a few important considerations in mind to ensure that your actions are responsible and ethical.

Location of Cracked IDs

After running HaxordBd, any cloned or cracked Facebook IDs will be stored in the 'hacked' directory. Make sure to check this directory to view the results of your operations:

cd hacked

Always handle the data you obtain with care and ensure that you respect privacy and legal boundaries. Misuse of this information can lead to serious consequences.

Ethical Considerations

It is crucial to use HaxordBd and similar tools for educational purposes only. Unauthorized access to accounts or data is illegal and unethical. Always obtain permission before conducting any security testing.

Ethical hacking involves understanding security vulnerabilities to improve protection. Ensure that your actions contribute positively to cybersecurity practices.

Related Articles

To further enhance your knowledge and skills in ethical hacking and using Termux, check out these related articles:

Exploring related tools and techniques can provide a broader understanding of ethical hacking and enhance your security testing capabilities.


The information provided in this article and the use of the HaxordBd tool are intended solely for educational purposes. The developers and authors of this content are not responsible for any misuse of the tool or any illegal activities that may arise from its use.

Always use ethical practices when performing security testing. Unauthorized access to accounts and data is illegal and can result in severe consequences. Ensure that you have permission and follow all applicable laws and regulations when using these tools.

Responsible use of hacking tools is crucial for maintaining cybersecurity and protecting privacy. Use these tools wisely and within legal boundaries.


In this guide, we explored how to use the HaxordBd tool in Termux for Facebook account cloning. By understanding the setup process, essential tools, and ethical considerations, you can effectively utilize Termux for educational and security testing purposes.

Always remember that ethical hacking is about improving security and understanding vulnerabilities to protect systems and data. Using tools like HaxordBd responsibly can enhance your skills and contribute positively to the field of cybersecurity.

By following this guide, you’ve taken a step towards mastering Termux and ethical hacking. Ensure that your knowledge and skills are used for constructive and legal purposes.


What is HaxordBd used for?

HaxordBd is a tool designed for Facebook account cloning within Termux. It helps users understand security vulnerabilities and perform ethical hacking tests.

Is it legal to use HaxordBd?

Using HaxordBd for unauthorized access to accounts is illegal and unethical. This tool should only be used for educational purposes with proper authorization.

Do I need any special skills to use HaxordBd?

Basic knowledge of Termux and ethical hacking principles is helpful. Following the installation guide provided will help you get started with using HaxordBd.

Where can I find more information about ethical hacking?

There are many resources available online, including blogs, forums, and courses on ethical hacking. Check out related articles and tutorials to expand your knowledge.

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