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How to Use MrPhish: A Complete Guide to Ethical Phishing Simulation

Learn how to use MrPhish, a powerful phishing tool for educational purposes. Understand its features, ethical use, and how to stay safe online.
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MrPhish is a powerful and easy-to-use phishing tool designed to target social media accounts. Whether you're a cybersecurity enthusiast or a beginner looking to understand phishing techniques, MrPhish offers a comprehensive solution that works seamlessly on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices through the Termux environment.

MrPhish allows users to simulate real-world phishing attacks to educate themselves on how these attacks are performed and how to defend against them.

With its user-friendly interface and a wide array of features, MrPhish is not just a tool, but a learning platform for anyone interested in the field of cybersecurity. From bypassing OTP verification to utilizing port forwarding for remote access, this tool equips you with the necessary functionalities to perform phishing tests effectively.

This tool is intended solely for educational purposes. Unauthorized use of MrPhish for malicious activities is illegal and unethical.

How to Use MrPhish: A Complete Guide to Ethical Phishing Simulation

Why Choose MrPhish?

MrPhish stands out due to its extensive collection of up-to-date phishing pages and the ease with which it can be deployed on Termux. Whether you're conducting phishing tests or learning about cybersecurity, MrPhish provides a reliable and efficient platform to work with.

What is MrPhish?

MrPhish is a bash-based script specifically designed for phishing social media accounts. Its primary function is to create realistic phishing scenarios, which can be used to educate people on the dangers of phishing and how to protect against it. The tool is equipped with advanced features such as OTP bypassing and port forwarding, making it a versatile option for cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals alike.

MrPhish is compatible with both rooted and non-rooted Android devices, which means you can run it on your Android phone using Termux without needing special permissions or modifications.

Compatibility and Availability

MrPhish is available exclusively on Termux, a terminal emulator for Android. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users who want to run Linux-based commands and scripts directly on their Android devices.


To successfully run MrPhish on your device, you'll need the following:

  • Internet connection: 400 MB
  • Storage: 600 MB
  • PHP installed on Termux
  • Ngrok Token for port forwarding
Ensure that you have sufficient storage and an active internet connection before proceeding with the installation.

Key Features of MrPhish

MrPhish is packed with features that make it stand out among other phishing tools:

  • Over 60 up-to-date phishing pages
  • Port forwarding support via Ngrok
  • Five different categories of phishing pages
  • Beginner-friendly interface with easy navigation
  • Regular maintenance and updates to ensure reliability

How to Install MrPhish on Termux

Installing MrPhish on Termux is a straightforward process, even for beginners. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. First, ensure that your Termux packages are up to date. Run the following commands in Termux:
  2. apt-get update -y
    apt-get upgrade -y
  3. Next, you'll need to install Python and Git, which are essential for running MrPhish:
  4. pkg install python -y
    pkg install python2 -y
    pkg install git -y
  5. Once Python and Git are installed, install Lolcat for colorful output:
  6. pip install lolcat
  7. Now, clone the MrPhish repository from GitHub to your Termux environment:
  8. git clone
  9. Navigate to the MrPhish directory to begin the setup:
  10. cd $HOME
    cd mrphish
  11. Run the setup script to install all necessary dependencies and start MrPhish:
  12. bash setup
    bash mrphish

Running MrPhish

After installation, you can start using MrPhish by opening a new session in Termux:

  1. Open a new session and start the Tor service by typing:
  2. tor
  3. In another Termux session, execute the MrPhish tool:
  4. bash mrphish

Make sure you have your Ngrok Token ready, as it will be required for port forwarding during the attack process.

How to Use MrPhish: A Guide to Key Options

Once MrPhish is installed, you'll find several options available to help you carry out phishing attacks, retrieve data, or manage the tool. Below is an overview of the key usage options in MrPhish:

Start Attack

This is the primary function of MrPhish. By selecting the "Start Attack" option, you can begin a phishing campaign. The tool will guide you through the process, allowing you to choose from over 60 phishing pages across various categories. Simply follow the prompts, and you'll be able to explore the different attack options available.

Ensure that you're using this tool for educational purposes only, and always inform your target that this is a simulated attack.


The "Dumps" option allows you to access saved data from previous phishing attempts. This data can include credentials, session cookies, and other information captured during an attack. It's a useful feature for reviewing the effectiveness of your phishing campaigns.

Accessing old dumps can help you analyze the success of your phishing methods and improve future campaigns.


The "About" option provides information about the tool's author and contributors. This section also often includes links to resources and additional reading materials, giving you more context on the tool's development and intended use.


The "Update" option checks for any available updates to MrPhish. It's important to keep the tool up to date to ensure you have the latest features and security patches. If an update is available, follow the prompts to download and install it directly within Termux.


By selecting "Subscribe," you can easily join the tool's official channel or mailing list. This ensures you receive notifications about new features, tutorials, and community discussions.


The "Exit" option simply closes the tool and ends your current session. Always use this option to safely terminate your work in MrPhish.

Important Considerations and Ethical Usage

While MrPhish is a powerful tool for learning about phishing techniques, it's crucial to approach its use with a strong ethical foundation. Below are some important considerations to keep in mind when using MrPhish:

Educational Purposes Only

MrPhish is intended strictly for educational purposes. It should only be used to help individuals and organizations understand phishing threats and learn how to protect against them. Misuse of this tool for malicious activities is illegal and unethical.

When using MrPhish, always ensure that any phishing simulations are conducted in a controlled environment, with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. This could include testing your own accounts or systems, or working with others who have given explicit permission for testing.

Legal Implications

Phishing is a serious cybercrime with significant legal consequences. Unauthorized phishing attacks can lead to criminal charges, fines, and imprisonment. Always ensure that your use of MrPhish complies with local laws and regulations. Before conducting any phishing tests, consult with legal counsel to understand the legal framework governing cybersecurity practices in your region.

Protecting Your Data

When running MrPhish, be aware that you're handling sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and session cookies. Take all necessary precautions to protect this data from unauthorized access or exposure. Ensure that your Termux environment is secure, and never share captured data with others unless it's part of a legitimate, consented testing process.

Always delete any captured data after completing your educational exercises to prevent misuse or accidental exposure.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and the techniques used by attackers are constantly changing. Regularly update MrPhish to ensure you have the latest phishing templates and security measures. Additionally, continue to educate yourself on emerging threats and best practices for defending against phishing attacks.

Use MrPhish as a learning tool to improve your understanding of phishing tactics and strengthen your ability to defend against them. The knowledge you gain can be invaluable in protecting yourself and others from real-world cyber threats.


MrPhish is an excellent tool for understanding and simulating phishing attacks, providing users with a hands-on approach to learning about social engineering and cybersecurity. However, its power comes with great responsibility. Using MrPhish ethically and legally is paramount to avoid any negative consequences.

By using MrPhish for educational purposes, you can sharpen your skills in cybersecurity and help others become more aware of phishing threats.

Whether you're a beginner exploring the basics of phishing or an experienced professional looking to test and improve your security measures, MrPhish offers a range of features that can be tailored to your needs. Remember, continuous learning and ethical practices are the keys to making the most of this tool while contributing positively to the cybersecurity community.

Final Thoughts

As cyber threats continue to evolve, tools like MrPhish play a crucial role in helping us understand and mitigate these dangers. Always approach your learning journey with a focus on ethics, legality, and the protection of sensitive information. With the right mindset, MrPhish can be a valuable asset in your cybersecurity toolkit.

This tool is only for educational purposes. If you use this tool for other purposes except education, we will not be responsible in such cases.

Stay updated, stay secure, and use your knowledge to make the digital world a safer place for everyone.


What is MrPhish?

MrPhish is a bash-based script designed for simulating phishing attacks on social media accounts. It includes features for port forwarding and OTP bypass, and can be used on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices.

Is MrPhish safe to use?

Yes, MrPhish is safe when used for educational purposes within a controlled environment. However, misuse of the tool for illegal activities is not safe and can lead to serious legal consequences.

Can MrPhish be used on non-rooted Android devices?

Yes, MrPhish can be used on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices, making it accessible to a wider range of users.

How do I update MrPhish?

You can update MrPhish by selecting the "Update" option within the tool. This will check for any available updates and allow you to download and install them directly.

Is MrPhish legal to use?

MrPhish is legal to use for educational purposes, such as learning about phishing techniques and testing your own security systems. However, using it for unauthorized attacks is illegal and can result in criminal charges.

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