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How to Use CamPhish with Termux to Access Mobile Front Camera: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to use CamPhish with Termux to access a mobile front camera. This step-by-step guide covers setup, execution, and ethical considerations.
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Welcome to our step-by-step guide on using CamPhish with Termux to access a mobile front camera. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the entire process, from setting up Termux to executing the attack and managing the captured data.

CamPhish is a powerful tool designed for phishing attacks, and when combined with Termux—a versatile terminal emulator for Android—you can perform advanced security testing on mobile devices. Whether you're a cybersecurity enthusiast or a beginner eager to learn more about ethical hacking, this guide will provide you with clear instructions and important considerations.

Please remember that this guide is for educational purposes only. Unauthorized access to devices and data without consent is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit permission before performing any security testing.

In this guide, you will learn how to install Termux, set up CamPhish, and use NGROK to remotely access a mobile front camera. We’ll cover each step in detail to help you understand and execute the process effectively.
How to Use CamPhish with Termux to Access Mobile Front Camera: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting Up Termux

Before you can use CamPhish, you'll need to set up Termux on your Android device. Follow these steps to get Termux ready for use:

Download and Install Termux

First, you need to download Termux from the Google Play Store. Simply search for "Termux" and install it like any other app. Once installed, open Termux to begin the setup process.

Update Termux

To ensure you have the latest packages and updates, you’ll need to update Termux. Follow these commands:

$ pkg install root-repo
pkg install unstable-repo
pkg install x11-repo
pkg update
pkg upgrade

Updating Termux ensures you have access to the latest features and fixes, which is crucial for a smooth setup process.

Installing Required Tools

With Termux set up, you'll need to install some essential tools to proceed with using CamPhish. This includes PHP, CamPhish itself, and NGROK. Follow these instructions to get everything ready:

Install PHP

CamPhish requires PHP to function. Install it using the following command:

pkg install php -y

Clone CamPhish Repository

Next, you need to clone the CamPhish repository from GitHub. This will download the necessary files for CamPhish to run. Use these commands:

pkg install git
git clone
cd CamPhish
chmod +x

Install NGROK

NGROK is crucial for creating a secure tunnel to your CamPhish server. You can download and install NGROK from its official website. Ensure you follow the installation instructions provided there.

NGROK allows you to expose your local server to the internet securely, making it possible for you to access the CamPhish interface from anywhere.

Running CamPhish

With all the necessary tools installed, you’re ready to run CamPhish. This step involves starting CamPhish and configuring NGROK to set up your phishing server. Follow these instructions:

Start CamPhish

To start CamPhish, execute the following command in Termux:


Running this script will launch the CamPhish interface, where you will be prompted to select the NGROK option and choose a template for your phishing page.

Select NGROK and Configure the Template

When prompted, select NGROK as your tunneling option. Then, choose a template for your phishing page. CamPhish offers various templates, such as:

  • Festival Wishing
  • Live YouTube TV

Choose a template that suits your needs. NGROK will handle the tunneling and provide you with a public URL to use.

Start NGROK Server

The NGROK server setup may take some time. Ensure you have a stable internet connection throughout this process. Once NGROK is set up, you’ll receive a public URL. This URL is used to access your CamPhish server from any device.

Executing the Attack

Now that your CamPhish server is running and NGROK is set up, you can proceed with the attack. This involves sending the NGROK link to your target and managing the captured data. Follow these steps:

Send the NGROK Link

Share the NGROK link you received with your target. The link will look something like this:

[+] Direct Link: https://7437b53aa870r.ngrok

Ensure the target opens this link for the phishing process to work. They will be prompted to grant camera permissions, which is necessary for the attack to succeed.

Receive and Manage Cam Files

Once the target opens the link and grants camera access, CamPhish will capture the video and images from the mobile front camera. These files will be saved in the CamPhish folder on your device.

Monitor the CamPhish folder to keep track of the captured files. You can review and manage these files as needed.

Handling the Captured Data

After successfully capturing images or videos from the target’s mobile front camera, you’ll need to manage and transfer these files. Here’s how you can handle the captured data:

Transfer Photos to Gallery

To move the captured images from the CamPhish folder to your phone's gallery, use the following command:

mv image_name.jpg /sdcard

Replace "image_name.jpg" with the actual name of the image file you want to move. This command will transfer the file to your gallery, making it easier to access and view.

Connection Duration

The connection between your device and the target remains active as long as Termux is running. If you close the Termux window or face connectivity issues, the connection may be lost.

Be aware that maintaining a stable internet connection is crucial for the successful execution of the attack. Closing Termux or experiencing low data speeds may interrupt the connection.

Ethical Considerations

While learning about and practicing cybersecurity techniques is important, it is crucial to use these skills responsibly. Here are some key ethical considerations to keep in mind:

Legal and Ethical Use

Unauthorized access to someone’s device or data is illegal and unethical. Always obtain explicit permission from the device owner before performing any security tests or phishing attacks. This guide is intended solely for educational purposes and should only be used in controlled environments where you have full consent.

Misusing these techniques for malicious purposes can lead to serious legal consequences and harm others. Always prioritize ethical behavior in your cybersecurity practices.

Importance of Consent

Consent is a fundamental principle in ethical hacking. Never engage in activities that could compromise someone’s privacy or security without their knowledge and approval. Respect for others' privacy is essential in maintaining trust and integrity in the field of cybersecurity.

Remember, ethical hacking aims to improve security and protect individuals from malicious attacks. Always act responsibly and with integrity.


In this guide, we covered the process of using CamPhish with Termux to access a mobile front camera. From setting up Termux and installing the required tools to running CamPhish and handling the captured data, you now have a clear understanding of each step involved.

Remember to always use these techniques ethically and with proper consent. Unauthorized access to devices and data is both illegal and unethical. This guide is meant for educational purposes to help you learn more about cybersecurity and phishing attacks.

By following these instructions, you can effectively perform security testing and better understand the methods used in real-world phishing attacks. Stay informed, act responsibly, and continue to develop your skills in a positive and ethical manner.


What is CamPhish?

CamPhish is a phishing tool that allows you to create fake login pages to capture credentials and other data from targets. It can also be used to access device cameras and other functionalities when combined with tools like NGROK and Termux.

Is it legal to use CamPhish with Termux?

Using CamPhish or any other phishing tool without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit permission from the device owner before conducting any security tests or attacks. This guide is intended for educational purposes only.

How do I know if the CamPhish setup was successful?

Once you have set up CamPhish and NGROK, you should receive a public URL. If the setup was successful, you can use this URL to access the phishing page and capture data. Ensure you monitor the CamPhish folder for captured files and verify the connection status regularly.

Can I use CamPhish on devices other than Android?

CamPhish is specifically designed to work with Termux on Android devices. While you can use similar phishing techniques on other platforms, you would need different tools and setups suited to those environments.

What should I do if I encounter issues with NGROK?

If you face issues with NGROK, ensure you have a stable internet connection and follow the installation instructions provided on the NGROK website. Check for any error messages and consult NGROK's support resources for troubleshooting tips.

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