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How to Install Kali Linux NetHunter on Any Android Device Without Rooting

Learn how to install Kali Linux NetHunter on any Android device without rooting. This guide covers prerequisites, setup, troubleshooting, and more.
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Are you interested in exploring the power of Kali Linux right from your Android device? Look no further! Kali Linux NetHunter offers a mobile penetration testing platform that you can install without rooting or modifying your device. This means you can unleash the full potential of Kali NetHunter while keeping your Android warranty intact.

In this guide, you'll learn how to install Kali Linux NetHunter on any Android device without rooting, using simple and straightforward steps.

Kali Linux NetHunter is renowned for its extensive range of tools designed for ethical hacking, security testing, and penetration testing. Typically, installing such powerful software requires rooting your device, which can void your warranty. However, with this guide, you can easily install Kali NetHunter Rootless edition on your Android phone or tablet without any risk.

No rooting, no custom recovery, and no complicated steps—just a hassle-free installation that keeps your device secure.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to run Kali Linux NetHunter on your Android device, whether for learning purposes, professional security assessments, or just satisfying your curiosity about ethical hacking.

How to Install Kali Linux NetHunter on Any Android Device Without Rooting


What You Need Before You Start

Before diving into the installation process, it's important to ensure that your Android device meets the necessary requirements. This will help avoid any interruptions during the setup and ensure a smooth experience.

Compatible Android Device

Your Android smartphone or tablet must be running Android 10 or higher. This ensures that the device is capable of handling the Kali NetHunter environment without any issues.

Adequate Storage Space

Make sure you have at least 10GB of free space on your internal storage. Kali NetHunter, along with its tools and scripts, requires sufficient storage to function properly.

Required Downloads

You'll need to download a few essential applications to your device to proceed with the installation.

Once you have these prerequisites in place, you're ready to move on to the next step, which involves installing and setting up Kali NetHunter on your Android device.

Install Kali NetHunter Rootless Edition

Step 1: Install Termux and NetHunter KEX

To begin installing Kali NetHunter Rootless Edition on your Android device, you'll need to use an app called Termux. This app will serve as your terminal emulator, allowing you to input the necessary commands to set up Kali NetHunter.

Ensure that you've downloaded the correct version of Termux (ARM64 V8) and the NetHunter Store application before proceeding.

Download and Install Termux

Open your preferred browser and visit the Termux GitHub page. Download the latest version compatible with your device and install it.

Download and Install NetHunter KEX

Next, head over to the NetHunter Store and download the application. Once installed, open the NetHunter Store and search for the NetHunter KEX app. Download and install this app as well.

Step 2: Setting Up Kali NetHunter Rootless Edition

Now that Termux and NetHunter KEX are installed, it's time to set up Kali NetHunter Rootless Edition. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Open Termux: Launch the Termux app on your device and wait for the initial setup to complete. You'll see a prompt indicating that Termux is ready to accept commands.
  2. Enable Storage Access: Type the following command to grant Termux access to your device's storage:
  3. termux-setup-storage
  4. When prompted, choose to allow storage access.
  5. Upgrade Package Manager: It's important to update Termux's package manager before installing Kali NetHunter. Run the following command:
  6. pkg upgrade
  7. If the upgrade command fails, you may need to change your Termux repository mirror by running:
  8. termux-change-repo
  9. Once the mirror is changed, rerun the package upgrade command.
  10. Install wget: Now, install the wget command by running:
  11. pkg install wget

Step 3: Download and Install the Kali NetHunter Installer Script

To proceed with the installation, you'll need to download the installer script for Kali NetHunter Rootless Edition. Run the following command to download the script:

wget -O install-nethunter-termux

This command is case-sensitive, so ensure you type it exactly as shown.

Once the script is downloaded, you'll need to make it executable by running the following command:

chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

Finally, execute the installer script by running:


This will initiate the installation process, which may take some time depending on your internet connection. During the installation, you'll be asked to select your device architecture. Typically, choosing the first option is sufficient.

Once the installation is complete, you'll have Kali NetHunter Rootless Edition up and running on your Android device.

Update Kali NetHunter

Once Kali NetHunter is installed, it's crucial to update the system to ensure you're working with the latest tools and security patches. Updating Kali Linux is straightforward and can be done directly from the command line interface (CLI) within Termux.

Step 1: Enter CLI Mode

To begin the update process, you'll need to enter the CLI mode of Kali NetHunter. To do this, simply type the following command in Termux:


This command will launch the Kali Linux terminal environment within Termux, allowing you to interact with the system just as you would on a regular Kali Linux installation.

Step 2: Update Kali Linux

Once you're in CLI mode, the first task is to update the package lists and the installed packages. To do this, run the following command:

sudo apt update

This command fetches the latest package lists from the repositories and checks for available updates.

This process is similar to the standard Linux 'apt' update, but it's done in a user-space environment using a technology called PRoot, which simulates root privileges without needing to root your device.

Step 3: Install Additional Tools

After the update is complete, you can proceed to install additional tools or packages as needed. For example, you can install the 'neofetch' tool to display system information by running the following command:

sudo apt install neofetch

Similarly, you can install other useful tools like nmap, ping, and more by using the 'apt install' command followed by the tool's name.

Keep in mind that some commands and tools may require a rooted device to function correctly, so their full capabilities might not be available in the rootless version.

With these updates and tools installed, your Kali NetHunter environment will be fully operational and ready for use. This ensures you're working with the most current and secure setup possible.

Enable Desktop Mode (GUI) in Kali NetHunter

After setting up Kali NetHunter and updating it, you might want to use its graphical interface (GUI) instead of just the command line. Kali NetHunter allows you to switch to desktop mode, giving you a full desktop experience on your Android device.

Step 1: Exit CLI Mode

To enable the desktop mode, you first need to exit the current CLI mode. You can do this by typing:


This command will return you to the Termux shell from the Kali NetHunter CLI.

Step 2: Set Up the VNC Server

Next, you'll need to set up a VNC server, which allows you to access the graphical desktop environment. Start by setting a password for VNC access with the following command:

nethunter kex passwd

You'll be prompted to enter a password. Make sure to choose a strong password, as it will be used to access your Kali Linux desktop remotely. When asked if you want to set a view-only password, choose No.

Step 3: Start the VNC Server

After setting the password, you can start the VNC server by typing:

nethunter kex &

This command launches the VNC server in the background, enabling the desktop environment.

Step 4: Connect to the Desktop Environment

Now, open the NetHunter Kex application on your Android device. Enter the VNC password you set earlier and press Connect from the top-right corner.

Voila! You should now see the full desktop mode of Kali Linux running on your Android device.

Note that while most tools and applications will work in this desktop environment, some may encounter issues, particularly those requiring more extensive system resources.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any problems, such as applications not running correctly or errors with the VNC server, try restarting the VNC server with the following commands:

nethunter kex stop
nethunter kex &

This will stop and restart the VNC server, potentially resolving the issue.

With the desktop mode enabled, you can use Kali Linux on your Android device just like you would on a regular computer, making it a powerful tool for mobile pentesting and cybersecurity tasks.

Fix Signal 9 Error in Android 12 or Higher

While using the Kali NetHunter GUI on Android devices running Android 12 or higher, you may encounter the "Signal 9" error. This error occurs because of the Phantom process killer, a background process limiter introduced in newer versions of Android. This process killer terminates apps using excessive CPU or system resources, including Termux.

If you don't fix this issue, your VNC server might be killed frequently, disrupting your workflow in Kali NetHunter.

Step 1: Enable Developer Options

To fix this issue, you first need to enable Developer Options on your Android device:

  • Open your device's Settings and go to the About section.
  • Tap on the Build Number seven times to activate Developer Options.
  • Return to the main Settings menu, and you should now see Developer Options listed.

Step 2: Enable Android Debugging

Next, you'll need to enable Android Debugging:

  • Go to Developer Options within your device’s settings.
  • Scroll down and toggle on Android Debugging.

Step 3: Connect to Your Computer

Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable. If any pop-up appears on your device asking for permission, make sure to allow it. Ensure that you have installed ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and Fastboot commands on your computer.

You can download ADB and Fastboot tools from the official Android Developer website: Download ADB & Fastboot.

Step 4: Run ADB Commands to Disable Phantom Process Killer

Once everything is set up, open a command prompt on your computer and type the following commands one by one:

adb devices

This command will display the connected devices. If your device is listed, proceed with the following commands:

adb shell "/system/bin/device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent”
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647”
adb shell settings put global settings_enable_monitor_phantom_procs false

These commands will disable the Phantom process killer, preventing it from terminating the Termux process while you use Kali NetHunter.

Step 5: Verify the Changes

To ensure the Phantom process killer is successfully disabled, run the following verification commands:

adb shell "/system/bin/dumpsys activity settings | grep max_phantom_processes”
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config get activity_manager max_phantom_processes”

Both commands should return the value 2147483647, confirming that the Phantom process killer is disabled.

Step 6: Restart Termux

Now that the Phantom process killer is disabled, you can restart Termux and Kali NetHunter:

nethunter kex &

You should no longer face the Signal 9 error, allowing you to use the Kali NetHunter GUI without interruptions.

It’s also recommended to disable the battery restriction on Termux to keep it active in the background. This ensures a more stable performance while using Kali NetHunter.


This guide provided step-by-step instructions on how to install Kali Linux NetHunter on any Android device without the need for rooting or custom recovery. By following this method, you can fully experience the power of Kali NetHunter, turning your Android device into a versatile penetration testing tool.

From preparing your device and setting up Termux, to configuring the Kali NetHunter Rootless edition and fixing the Signal 9 error, each step is designed to ensure a smooth installation process. With Kali NetHunter installed, you can now access a wide range of tools and features that make ethical hacking and cybersecurity tasks easier, all from your Android device.

Remember, while Kali NetHunter offers powerful capabilities, always use these tools responsibly and within the bounds of the law. Unauthorized access to systems or networks is illegal and unethical.

Further Reading and Resources

If you want to explore more about Kali Linux NetHunter, Termux, or Android security, check out the following resources:

Final Thoughts

Kali Linux NetHunter opens up a world of possibilities for cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals alike. By leveraging the power of this tool, you can perform a wide range of tasks right from your Android device, making it a must-have for anyone serious about penetration testing and network security.

If you encounter any issues during installation or while using Kali NetHunter, be sure to check out online forums and communities dedicated to Kali Linux and Android security. The community is always ready to help and share insights.

Thank you for following this guide, and happy hacking!


Can I install Kali NetHunter on any Android device?

Yes, you can install Kali NetHunter on any Android device running Android 10 or higher, as long as it has at least 10GB of free space. The installation method described in this guide doesn't require root or custom recovery.

Do I need to root my Android device to use Kali NetHunter?

No, the method covered in this guide allows you to install Kali NetHunter Rootless edition, which does not require rooting your device. This means you can use Kali NetHunter without voiding your warranty.

What should I do if I encounter the Signal 9 error?

If you encounter the Signal 9 error while using the VNC server on Android 12 or higher, you can follow the steps outlined in the "Fix Signal 9 Error" section of this guide. This involves disabling the Phantom process killer using ADB commands.

Is it safe to disable the Phantom process killer on my Android device?

Disabling the Phantom process killer can help ensure that Kali NetHunter runs smoothly, but it's important to proceed with caution. Only perform this step if necessary and if you're comfortable with using ADB commands.

Can I uninstall Kali NetHunter Rootless edition from my device?

Yes, you can uninstall Kali NetHunter Rootless edition at any time by removing the Termux app and any related files from your device. This will not affect your Android OS or other installed apps.

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