How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Learn how to customize your Termux terminal with Tstyle. Change fonts, apply new themes, and personalize your Termux experience easily with this tool.

Are you bored with the same look of your Termux terminal? If you want to change its appearance, you’re in the right spot. In this guide, we will look at Tstyle, a simple tool that helps you customize themes in Termux. Tstyle is easy to use and makes it simple to find a theme that fits your style.

In this post, you will learn how to use Tstyle to change the font and theme of your Termux terminal easily. Whether you are experienced or just starting, Tstyle makes it easy to personalize your terminal.

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Installing Tstyle in Termux

Getting started with Tstyle is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to install and set up the tool in Termux:

Step 1: Update Termux

Before installing Tstyle, make sure your Termux is up to date. Run the following command to update your package list and upgrade installed packages:

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

Step 2: Install Git

You'll need Git to clone the Tstyle repository. Install it with the following command:

pkg install git -y

Step 3: Clone the Tstyle Repository

Next, clone the Tstyle tool from GitHub:

git clone

Step 4: Navigate to the Tstyle Directory

Change your directory to the newly cloned Tstyle folder:

cd tstyle

Step 5: Run the Setup Script

Finally, execute the setup script to complete the installation:

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Once you’ve completed these steps, Tstyle will be ready to use, and you can start customizing your Termux environment.

Changing Fonts in Termux with Tstyle

With Tstyle, changing the font in Termux is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to select a new font for your terminal:

Accessing the Font Menu

To change the font, first ensure that Tstyle is installed and set up correctly. Open Termux and type the following command to access the Tstyle menu:

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Selecting a Font

In the Tstyle menu, choose Option 1 to change the font. You will be presented with a list of available fonts. Simply select your preferred font from the list and press Enter.

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Applying the Changes

After selecting your new font, restart Termux to see the changes take effect. If you want to access the font menu again, just type tstyle and press Enter.

Experiment with different fonts to find one that suits your preferences and makes your Termux terminal easier to read and more enjoyable to use.

Changing Themes in Termux with Tstyle

Customizing the theme of your Termux terminal can enhance your overall experience and make it more visually appealing. Here’s how you can change themes using Tstyle:

Accessing the Theme Menu

To begin changing your theme, open Termux and type the following command to access the Tstyle menu:

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Selecting a Theme

In the Tstyle menu, choose Option 2 to start the theme selection process. You’ll be given the choice between Dark and Light themes. Additionally, there are 53 themes available for you to choose from.

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

Applying Your Chosen Theme

For instance, you might want a cool green hacker theme. Simply type the number corresponding to the theme you like (e.g., 21 for the green hacker theme) and press Enter. Your selected theme will be applied immediately.

How to Customize Termux with Tstyle: Change Fonts & Themes Easily

If you don’t see the menu after typing tstyle, make sure Tstyle is properly installed and try running the command again. Experiment with different themes to find one that fits your style and preferences.


Tstyle offers a streamlined and minimalistic approach to customizing your Termux environment. By using Tstyle, you can easily change both the font and theme of your terminal, enhancing both its appearance and usability. Whether you're looking for a new look or simply want to experiment with different themes, Tstyle provides an easy-to-use solution.

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