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How to Install and Set Up Ngrok in Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to install and set up Ngrok in Termux, including creating tunnels and adding your authtoken for secure access. Simple, step-by-step guide.
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If you’ve been searching for a way to securely share your local projects or servers over the internet, Ngrok is the perfect tool for the job. Whether you're a developer or just someone who wants to make their local files accessible from anywhere, this guide will walk you through the process of installing Ngrok in Termux with ease.

Ngrok allows you to create a secure tunnel from your local device to the internet, enabling you to share your projects with a simple, temporary public URL.

In this article, you’ll learn how to install Ngrok in Termux, set it up with an authtoken, and start using it to test your applications remotely.
How to Install and Set Up Ngrok in Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is Ngrok?

Ngrok is a powerful tool that enables developers to expose their local servers to the internet securely. By creating a secure tunnel, Ngrok provides a way to access your local device or server from anywhere in the world, making it incredibly useful for testing, sharing projects, or collaborating remotely.

When you run Ngrok, it assigns a temporary public URL to your local files or applications. This URL can be shared with others, allowing them to access your local server just as if it were hosted online. Whether you're showcasing your latest web app or testing webhook integrations, Ngrok simplifies the process by eliminating the need for complex network configurations.

While Ngrok is a great tool for development and testing, it's important to be cautious when exposing local files or applications to the internet. Always be mindful of the security implications.


Before you start the installation process, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • Termux Installed: Make sure you have Termux installed on your Android device. Termux is a powerful terminal emulator that allows you to run a Linux environment on your phone.
  • Stable Internet Connection: A reliable internet connection is required to download Ngrok and its dependencies during the installation process.

Ensure your device is charged and connected to a stable Wi-Fi or mobile data network before proceeding with the installation.

How to Install Ngrok in Termux

Installing Ngrok in Termux is straightforward. Just follow these steps to get Ngrok up and running:

1. Update and Upgrade Termux Packages

First, update and upgrade the Termux packages to ensure you have the latest versions:

apt update && apt upgrade -y

2. Install wget Package

Next, you'll need to install the wget package, which is essential for downloading files in Termux:

pkg install wget -y

3. Download and Install Ngrok

Now, download the Ngrok package and extract it in Termux with the following command:

wget && tar -xzvf ngrok-v3-stable-linux-arm64.tgz && ./ngrok

After running these commands, Ngrok will be successfully installed in your Termux environment, ready to be set up and used.

Setting Up Ngrok in Termux

After installing Ngrok, you’ll need to set it up by adding your Ngrok authtoken. The authtoken is a unique key that links your Ngrok installation to your account, allowing you to use Ngrok’s features.

1. Create a Ngrok Account

To get started, visit the official Ngrok website:

Click the "Sign Up for Free" button and create an account by entering your name, email, and password. After signing up, log in to your new account.

2. Retrieve Your Ngrok Authtoken

Once you’re logged in, navigate to the dashboard by clicking on the menu (three lines) at the top left of the page. Here, you will find your unique authtoken under the "Your Authtoken" section. Copy this token to your clipboard.

3. Add the Authtoken in Termux

Now, return to Termux and enter the following command to set your Ngrok authtoken:

./ngrok authtoken PASTE_YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE

Replace PASTE_YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE with the actual authtoken you copied from the Ngrok dashboard.

After successfully adding the authtoken, Ngrok is fully set up and ready to use in Termux.

Using Ngrok in Termux

With Ngrok installed and set up, you can now start creating secure tunnels to expose your local servers or applications to the internet. Here's how to use Ngrok in Termux:

1. Start a Ngrok Tunnel

To create a tunnel and make your local server accessible over the internet, run the following command in Termux:

./ngrok http 2020

This command starts an HTTP tunnel on port 2020. You can replace 2020 with any port number that your local server is running on. Ngrok will generate a temporary public URL that you can share with others to access your server.

2. Important Note Before Running Ngrok

Always turn on your mobile hotspot before creating a Ngrok tunnel. This ensures that your device remains connected to the internet and can maintain the tunnel.

With your tunnel running, you can now access your local server from anywhere using the generated URL. This is especially useful for testing webhooks, sharing your work with clients, or accessing your home server while on the go.


Ngrok is an invaluable tool for developers and testers who need to expose local servers or applications to the internet securely.

In this guide, we’ve walked through the entire process of installing and setting up Ngrok in Termux. From updating and upgrading Termux packages, to downloading Ngrok, and finally configuring your authtoken, you now have everything you need to start using Ngrok on your Android device.

Always remember to safeguard your Ngrok authtoken and be cautious about sharing public URLs generated by Ngrok, as they can expose your local environment to the internet.

With Ngrok, you can now easily test your web applications, demonstrate your work remotely, and collaborate with others without the need for complex network configurations. Happy coding!


How do I run Ngrok in Termux?

To run Ngrok in Termux, follow these steps: 1. Install Ngrok using the provided installation commands. 2. Set up your Ngrok authtoken. 3. Run Ngrok by entering ./ngrok http 3000 in Termux (replace 3000 with your desired port number).

How do I download Ngrok in Termux?

To download Ngrok in Termux, run the following command:

wget && tar -xzvf ngrok-v3-stable-linux-arm64.tgz && ./ngrok
How do I install Ngrok in Termux without root?

You can install Ngrok in Termux without root by following these steps: 1. Install the wget package using pkg install wget -y. 2. Download the Ngrok package with wget. 3. Create a Ngrok account to get your authtoken. 4. Set up Ngrok in Termux with the command ./ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN.

How do I add Ngrok authtoken in Termux?

To add your Ngrok authtoken in Termux, use the following command:

./ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN
Replace YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN with the actual token you obtained from the Ngrok website.

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